The Ukrainian general announced an impending disaster in Ukraine

Photos: Still from video

Retired Lieutenant General Ukraine, the former head of the Transcarpathian region, Gennady Moskal, told the Fourth Channel. “We have to go to church on Sunday, light a candle so that nuclear power doesn't explode, because everything is old,” Moskal said.

Moskal noted that previously 56% of electricity in Ukraine was produced by nuclear energy. power plant. There are now 8 and 15 energy units operating in the country. However, there is a wear problem because spare parts can only be purchased in Russia.

The general stressed the need to fear the worst, while President Zelensky “punched” and demanded “come on, come on.” “It could end in a great tragedy for Ukraine,” Moskal added.

Recall that earlier experts claimed that they neglected safety aspects in Ukrainian nuclear power plants, which began using American fuel Westinghouse.


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