The Swedish parliament has warned Russia against rigging elections


Swedish Member of Parliament Hans Wallmark said Stockholm and Brussels “must make it clear to Moscow” that falsifying the results of the upcoming elections “will have consequences”. Ann Linde, the head of the Swedish Foreign Ministry, turned to the head of the Swedish Foreign Office with such an appeal. RT informs about it.

According to him, on the eve of the election, “those in power in the Kremlin” allegedly decided to deal a serious blow to the opposition and “democratic forces”. Wallmark added that the European Union and Sweden are trying to show support for the Russian opposition, but the measures they are taking are not enough.

“These elections cannot be fair because many candidates are prevented from participating. The EU and Sweden must make it clear to Russia in advance that electoral fraud has serious consequences, “Wallmark said.

The President of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, did not previously rule out that Western countries could interfere in the September elections to the lower house of the Russian parliament.


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