The size of Angela Merkel's pension after her resignation

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

German Chancellor Angela Merkel after retirement, he receives an average of around € 15,000 a month in retirement, according to the DPA. Merkel served as chancellor for 16 years. She has been regularly elected to the Federal Assembly since 1990 and participates in the work of the German parliament.

Merkel's pension will be 65% of the Member's salary. It is not known how much Merkel receives for her work as Chancellor. However, its predecessor Gerhard Schroeder, who served as Chancellor for 7 years, receives a bonus of 6.5 thousand euros per month.

After her resignation, Merkel receives the right to maintain her office, which also includes and is paid by the state two assistants, a secretary and a driver. A similar Schröder office costs Germany half a million euros a year.

Elections to the Bundestag will take place in September, after which the new Chancellor will lead the GDR. If the CDU succeeds, it could be the current party leader Armin Laschet.


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