The secret documents “from the stop” were British plans for Afghanistan

The provocation of the British destroyer HMS Defender near the Russian border was planned and won the name “Op Ditroite”. This is stated in top secret documents that were found in a bus environment in Kent.

This operation was the subject of high-level discussions a few days before the incident. The stumbling block was the expected and “aggressive” reaction of the Russian side.

A series of images prepared by the Joint Permanent Command of the British Armed Forces (development and control of the implementation of military plans outside the Kingdom) shows two options for the destroyer's route.

One of them is described as “safe and professional direct transit from Odessa to Batumi”, including a short detached section near the south-western tip of Crimea. The British PJHQ secret document also discusses the US request for British aid in several specific areas and considers whether the British commando will remain in Afghanistan even after the withdrawal is completed. There have already been reports in the media that London is considering leaving some forces in Afghanistan.

Due to the subtlety of the document, the BBC decided not to provide details that could jeopardize the security of the British contingent and Allied metal forces in Afghanistan.


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