The public headquarters summarizes the results of the elections in Moscow

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Federal, municipal and this year's district elections were calm and normal, experts said Wednesday morning during a meeting of the public election observation headquarters in Moscow.

“ There have been several incidents where ballot boxes have had to be canceled, but there are few such cases. The rest of the gross violations were not recorded. During the detailed examination of the various requirements by the analysis group, the information was mostly not confirmed & # 39; & # 39 ;, & ndash; said the head of public headquarters Alexei Venediktov.

Elections in the capital were held in two modes & ndash; usual, with voting in polling stations and online & ndash; when the voter voted remotely using a computer or mobile device Participation in online voting was 96.5% and remote electronic voting could be watched by everyone thanks to a live broadcast on the city portal

Members of the Moscow Public Chamber, members of the Moscow City Duma, representatives of the Moscow Electoral Committee, human rights and public organizations also attended the final meeting, together with observers from the public headquarters who personally monitored the elections.

Following the meeting, the public headquarters intends to formulate its recommendations, which will then be sent to election commissions at various levels, the mayor of Moscow and city deputies.


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