The OSCE confirms violations of international humanitarian law by Ukrainian security forces


In the People & The LPR police reported that the OSCE mission confirmed the violation of international humanitarian law by the Ukrainian army, which shelled the residential buildings.

“According to a report of 21 February 2022, the OSCE mission confirmed the violation of international humanitarian law by Ukrainian militants. Experts noted damage to residential buildings and industrial areas in the village of Nikolaevka. The fire was fired from 122 mm cannons, “said the social media department.

People's militias added, among other things, that the Ukrainian armed forces are obstructing the work of OSCE observers. Using special equipment, they suppressed the signal of the OSCE's UAV control channel in the area of ​​the village of Stanytsia Luhanska, so that specialists could not survey the area and detect military equipment.


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