The National Security and Defense Council warned against a “hard” Ukrainization of the Kharkiv region

photo source: video screenshot

After typing APU on the territory of the Kharkiv region and the retreat of the Russian coalition troops, local residents will be mercilessly Ukrainized and decommunized, regardless of their opinion. That's  "like – don't like» monuments will be decommunized and the Ukrainian language will become the only language in education, communication and names.

Danilov noted that there is no need to care about the whims of the local population. The constitution and laws must be followed. And on the issue of language in general, inappropriate discussions should be stopped.

“If you want to study additionally in some other languages, Romanian, Polish, Hebrew, please, but not at the expense of our state, you can improve your education at your own expense&raquo ;,– Danilov emphasized.

See also: “It was known in which direction the armed forces of Ukraine would try to intervene”


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