The live broadcast of the HRC's meeting with Putin has changed

In contrast to the rules, it included resonant discussions

Vladimir Putin discussed with the members of the HRC the most resounding issues of 2021 – QR codes in public places and in transport, and foreign media agents. In both cases, Putin said. With QR codes – to ensure that the rights of all citizens are respected. With the media – prevent the use of tools that hinder the development of the country and democratic institutions.

Photo: Alexey Merinov

According to HRC chief Valery Fadeev, draft government codes on QR codes require a number of changes, in particular they must take into account the rights of unofficially ill patients with high antibodies as well as people with medical shocks. The HRC believes that even after 1 February, citizens should be able to visit public places and travel by transport using a PCR test. And the authorities should officially publish a list of diseases that cannot be vaccinated. So far, the solution of this problem is entrusted to the attending (or district) doctor, who does not have the necessary information and knowledge.

Vladimir Putin did not comment on the proposals. However, he agreed that caution should be exercised when expanding the range of vaccination cards. The whole process must be “extremely transparent” and “comprehensible” for the population. And the implementation of QR codes in transport should be treated “as carefully as possible”, especially to evaluate all possible consequences. “There are people who are against the vaccine and do not agree with any restrictions. And there are those who demand to be protected from those who are not vaccinated. These issues also require consideration, “- said GDP, expressing the hope that, as a result, a solution will be found that guarantees the rights of all citizens.” According to him, the bill in its current form has a “framework character.”

The editor-in-chief of “MK” Pavel Gusev told the president about the reaction of the journalistic community to the enforcement of the law on foreign agents, which, according to him, has become a “big mess” for journalists. The document was not discussed with the professional public, without explanation it is applied by the Ministry of Justice, the media do not have the opportunity to protest or take off this label, Gusev listed the main statement. He also pointed out that journalists, recognized by foreign agents, are forced to state their status on social networks, even if they decorate a Christmas tree with children. “We have to do something about this law,” Gusev said, asking the president to set up a working group with all the parties involved. Vladimir Putin replied that his position was well known: the law appeared in response to similar actions by Western countries, especially the United States. However, since the professional community has been excluded from the discussion, it is necessary to go back and see how “it works and what it can lead to”. “The examples you gave are comical. The exaggerated reaction is obvious, “VVP reacted to the story of a foreign agent decorating a Christmas tree.”

MK columnist Eva Merkacheva raised the issue of torture in prisons. This phenomenon has been widely publicized in several serious cases, notably in the Saratov, Irkutsk and Kirov regions. Merkacheva announced the need to introduce a separate article in the legislation on penalties for torture. Such an obligation for the Russian Federation arose after accession to the relevant UN convention, but has not yet been implemented in practice. In addition, the organizers and perpetrators of torture generally avoid any responsibility. Putin recalled that the Federation Council had already begun work to consolidate the very concept of “torture” in Russian legislation and expected it to be completed. “Such things are absolutely unacceptable. What is it to comment on. Everything you say is right. We have to work consistently and achieve the results we need, “VVP emphasized.

Reports of homelessness, domestic violence and youth bullying have provoked a similar reaction from the President: these are all shameful phenomena of our reality that the state must fight and civil society must fight against. However, Putin did not explain which steps in each individual case are correct and necessary. Sergey Tsyplenkov from Greenpeace recalled the “whale prison” from which several killer whales and whites were rescued two years ago with the direct participation of the VVP. It turns out that all this time its owners hoped to be able to resume their activities, and the pools were dismantled only 10 days ago. According to the ecologist, in order to avoid creating a new “prison”, it is necessary to legally ban whaling in order to organize educational and training activities, leaving this possibility only to indigenous peoples and scientists. “I agree, let's do it,” the president nodded.


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