Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the arrest of Group-IB founder Ilyi Sachkov, a Russian IT founder accused of treason, would not affect the country's business climate.
but related to betrayal & & mdash; & nbsp; Peskov said, adding that he did not know the details of the case and that the authorities could not interfere in the work of the investigation.
Peskov expressed the view that the Sachkov case could not be compared to the case of the founder of the investment company Baring Vostok, the American Michael Calvey, who was convicted of embezzlement in the Russian Federation: “ Definitely & mdash; & nbsp; there is no connection. & # 39; & # 39; from Sachkov, the IT sphere will start to avoid cooperation with Russian and foreign departments: “ Of course not & # 39; & # 39; ;.
As for the question of whether Vladimir Putin knows about the arrest of a businessman, Peskov has had a hard time answering it. He only stressed that the FSB reports “ daily on specialized matters.“
TASS, referring to a source from the security forces, states that Sachkov, who was arrested before November 27, does not admit his guilt. According to the agency's partner, the businessman is accused of treason, “ which caused damage to Russia's reputation and national interests “as well as” the fact that he cooperated with the intelligence of foreign states. ”
Further details of the case are not known, the materials are stamped “ secret & # 39; & # 39 ;.
Nevertheless, the business ombudsman Boris Titov asked the inquiry to clarify the details of the case & mdash; & nbsp; & quot; due to the scope and uniqueness of the figure of the entrepreneur Sachkov. & # 39; Otherwise, Titov believes that the entire IT sector will “ suffer a critical blow“.