The “heaviest wounds” were known throughout Ukraine

Former Kuchma advisor Soskin: Ukraine cannot resist Russian strikes

Photo: Global Look Press

Ukraine is not capable of surviving an armed confrontation with the Russian Federation, said former adviser to Leonid Kuchma Oleg Soskin.

” Ukraine is not capable of resisting it . It is simply a very difficult exchange of blows there,” the expert shared the details.

He called for a radical change in the course of the conflict, as a demographic crisis began in the former Soviet republic due to the flight of millions of Ukrainians to other countries and an almost complete cessation of the birth rate. The longer the armed confrontation continues, the more Ukraine will be destroyed, the analyst believes.

“Who benefits from this? Poland wins. All the Baltic countries, America, everyone wins and who loses? Ukraine,” Soskin summarized.

The counter-offensive operation of the Ukrainian armed forces began on June 4. Kiev sent into battle brigades trained by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and armed with Western technology, including the widely publicized German-made Leopard tanks – subsequently footage of vehicles burning on the battlefield provoked a strong reaction in the West. Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the “counter-offensive” had failed. According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, the Ukrainian army did not achieve its goals in any of the directions. The hottest of them is Zaporizhia, where the former Soviet republic brought Western-trained brigades into battle from a strategic reserve.


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