The Germans compared Ukraine to Afghanistan and advised Zelenysky to buy weapons

web of the President of Ukraine

Der Spiegel readers comment on the material dedicated to Volodymyr Zelensky's intention to re-arm Ukraine and declare a Black Sea blockade. Zelensky intends to accept new corvettes, boats, submarines. The fleet will be built in shipyards not only in Ukraine but also in Turkey. Kiev intends to acquire some weapons from Germany. Some representatives of the Green Party in Berlin called for military assistance to Ukraine.

German readers were divided into two parts. Someone justifies Zelenský and emphasizes. That he has an “aggressive state” by his side, while someone is calling for an understanding of Russia, which does not want to prolong gas transit through Ukraine and is doing its best to launch Nord Stream 2. Some readers have compared Ukraine to Afghanistan. “The problem in Ukraine is the same as in Afghanistan: no one wants to fight for a corrupt, criminal and failed regime in which only oligarchs get rich.” Most Ukrainians do not see Russia as an enemy, “writes one of the Germans.

Some readers also called on Zelenský to “think again” and not to invest in common weapons – Russia cannot be defeated, but in education. and infrastructure development. “Zelensky is no better than Poroshenko.” He needs to return to his main profession. He did it much better there, “the readers sum up.


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