The former Afghan president calls the results of NATO's 20-year stay a failure


Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai , which led the country from 2004 to 2014, considered the results of NATO's 20-year mission in the republic a failure. He said this in an interview with the British newspaper The Times.

According to him, Afghanistan is “gripped by terror” and is in a “desperate situation”.

“Look around: we are in ruins, the country is in a state of conflict, the people of Afghanistan are being forced to suffer. Why did US and NATO actions in Afghanistan lead to such a result? Those who came to the country 20 years ago in the name of fighting extremism and terrorism have failed this task. in Afghanistan it just flourished. I call it failure, “Karzai said.

He noted that the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan was supposed to become a “stabilizing factor”, but did not. He noted that NATO troops were attacking Afghan villages, shooting at civilians and killing them.

“It is time for the US and NATO to leave. Whether the withdrawal of troops would be appropriate or not is another matter. They should have to leave the world, but they have not done so, “said the former president of Afghanistan.


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