Photo: Yandex.Maps.
The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) published on its website the results of a sociological study on the satisfaction of the people of the Crimean Republic with the state of affairs on the peninsula in the past seven years after the region became part of Russia. According to published data, the people of Crimea have made progress in a number of areas, while naming areas where the situation has deteriorated.
“Three quarters of the Crimean population are generally satisfied with their lives (77%),” sociologists VTsIOM. At the same time, 20% of Crimeans are not satisfied with what is happening.
The Crimean people are most satisfied with the improvement in road quality in recent years. 84% therefore believe that the situation in this area has improved over the last seven years.
In addition, 77% mentioned improvements in settlements among the improvements. And another 51% of respondents noted an improvement in the availability of kindergartens.
However, according to the Crimean, the situation in the housing and utilities sector on the peninsula has deteriorated over the years – 48% are dissatisfied. In addition, the situation with the availability of jobs and job opportunities has deteriorated. 51% in August 2021 expressed dissatisfaction with this area. In addition, 56% expressed dissatisfaction with the quality and availability of medical services.