Natalya Poklonskaya believes that only Aksenov works in the republic
At the end of September, four Crimean officials resigned at once. Two of them & mdash; & nbsp; Evgeny Kabanov and Mikhail Khramov & ndash; they were also detained on charges of corruption and fraud. Former Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Natalya Poklonskaya pointed out the personnel leap in the government of the republic: a man holds a ministerial chair, works for a year and then goes to prison. We figured out why the peninsula was so unlucky with ministers.
Sergey Aksenov. Photo:
Perhaps one of the most “ damn & # 39; & # 39; posts in Crimea & nbsp; the post of Deputy Prime Minister, whose functions include overseeing the federal target program for the development of Crimea. Evgeny Kabanov is already the third official for whom his tenure ends in arrest. The case against him was opened by the Crimean department of the FSB of Russia. He believes that the former deputy prime minister caused damage to the budget in the amount of 57.5 million rubles. The amount is almost four times higher than his predecessor Vitaly Nakhlupin, who received 16.1 million rubles in bribes. Now the head of the Crimean government Yuri Gotsanyuk will oversee the implementation of the federal target program.
The Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Republic, Mikhail Khramov, participates in this case together with Kabanov. At first, both were sent to a pre-trial detention center, but today the restraining measure has been changed to house arrest.
Also this week, the Minister of Transport Yevgeny Isakov and the Minister of Health Alexander Ostapenko resigned. Both filled these positions only in October last year. & # 39; Employee rotation & # 39; it is a natural process without which it is not possible to effectively solve current problems & # 39; & # 39 ;, & mdash; explained the head of the Republic Sergei Aksyonov to Isakov's appeal.
Natalya Poklonskaya, on the other hand, associates this problem with some “ failure & # 39; & # 39; when selecting candidates for ministerial posts. “ While we see personnel leaps and arrests. Of course it would be better & nbsp; on the contrary. It is clear that the head of Crimea is & nbsp; the only person who works and it's hard to be in an environment where no one does anything without him, & mdash; & nbsp; told the news agency RIA Novosti.
According to political analyst Alexander Talipov, the scale of the disaster is even more global and the number of top officials fired in 7.5 years has exceeded all permissible limits. “ During this time, we have replaced more than 10 Deputy Prime Ministers, 80 ministers, a huge number of heads of services, committees and departments. Plus heads of administration, their deputies, heads of city councils. Of course, not all these personnel changes in Crimea are beneficial. Every new official tries to bring in the people he will trust. As a result, & nbsp; Personnel jumping in Crimea occurs regularly, & mdash; & nbsp; explained the political scientist.
According to him, the main problem is that none of the new officials feel responsible for their work. They work for a year, then of their own free will write applications and leave. Although criminal proceedings are instituted, this is far from every case. “ In the end, no one is responsible for anything, he feels that his hands have been untied and we have what we have. Namely: huge problems with the implementation of FTP and other infrastructure projects, & # 39; & # 39; Talipov is sure.
center. “ Take the same former mayor of Kerch, Sergei Borozdin, whose work had many comments. Just two weeks ago he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Republic of Crimea. This suggests that staffing problems are so great that people may be appointed a second and third time, the expert said.
When it comes to solving the problem, according to Talipov, the government's competent people must work in the industry for which they will be responsible. Then they must be given time for quiet work without jumping staff.