The Council spokesman announced that Ukraine and the West were preparing a military provocation against Russia


Party “Opposition Platform – For Life “Ilya Kiva said in her Telegram channel that Ukraine, together with Great Britain and America, is preparing a military provocation against Russia.

According to him, the Ukrainian authorities together with Western partners – the United Kingdom and the United States – are going to conduct a military provocation against Russia at the end of January.

“So they want to” kill two flies with one blow “: the West wants to blame Russia and impose new sanctions, disrupting the North Stream – 2, and the Ukrainian authorities want to write their failures, hunger and winter back to war.” Kiva added.

He specified that at this moment the first phase of this provocation had begun – information hysteria about a possible Russian aggression. The Russian authorities are ready for such scenarios and will soon take countermeasures and provide counter-arguments.


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