The BBC has published secret documents about the passage of the destroyer “Defender” in the Crimea

Photos: Still from the video

British Broadcasting Corporation BBC & nbsp; published & nbsp; excerpts from classified documents concerning the passage of the British destroyer HMS Defender near the coast of Crimea. Recall that the Russian army had to open a warning fire during the British ship to prevent the violation of the Russian border.

As stated in the report & nbsp; the day before the incident, a folder with classified documents was found. She was at a bus stop in Kent in the south east of England. The file was lost by a high-ranking British Defense Department official, and the man who found it was handed over to the BBC.

The documents show that the United Kingdom specifically decided to send a destroyer along the coast of Crimea to show support for Kiev and to show that London is not afraid to use the waters it considers Ukrainian because it does not recognize Crimea's annexation to Russia.

The operation itself was called Operation Ditroit, according to the movement of the destroyer in the Black Sea. At the same time, two options for moving the ship were considered. & Nbsp;

The documents emphasize that the route near the coast of Crimea “ will provide an opportunity to interact with the Government of Ukraine & lt; … & gt; in the territorial waters of Ukraine recognized by Great Britain.“ The British army also analyzed several possibilities of the Russian reaction from “ safe and professional“ to “ dangerous and unprofessional“. or recognizes Crimea as Russian.

As a result, the first option was selected.

Formerly The Daily Telegraph & nbsp; states that the decision to pass the destroyer near the Crimea was left to the Prime Minister – Minister Boris Johnson.


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