The attacks on Ukraine created a turning point in the special operation

Internet claims that “overcoming is imminent” have dropped sharply

Missile attacks on military installations and energy infrastructure in Ukraine have hit the third day. According to Telegram channels, logistical nodes for the supply of weapons from Poland to Ukraine were destroyed. Panic is growing among Ukrainian netizens. Against the background of what is happening, many experts note that the turning point in the special military operation is only a few days away.

Photo: Press Service of the Ministry of Defense

How attacks on the infrastructure of Ukrainian cities can affect the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) “MK”, ​​said an officer of the People's Militia of the LPR with the call sign “Salman”. . The guys see that the top military administration of the country has serious support.

From those territories of Ukraine where there is still communication and the Internet, videos of rocket strikes are coming to the Network. We see numerous flights of cruise missiles over various territories. And we understand that contrary to Ukraine's claims of allegedly hundreds of our missiles shot down per day, they are still flying and reaching. If you have noticed, there has been a sharp decline in online claims that “victory is imminent”.

Everyone is noticing how radically the Russian High Command's approach to conducting a special military operation has changed. We combine this with the appearance of the new commander of the special operation, army general Sergei Surovikin. The new course is visible. In particular, for the third day, massive missile attacks were carried out on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.

By the way, they are applied precisely, competently and with elements of cunning. About a hundred rockets do not land on the territory of the country at once, but the strikes come in waves. The first wave reveals the positional areas for the deployment of air defense forces that still remain, and the second is already working directly on the air defense complexes themselves, thereby freeing the area for further work.

Of course, absolutely everyone is to some extent connected to the energy supply of the objects of the country's military administration. Such as headquarters, tactical and strategic level communication centers. It is difficult to access the Internet, which is actively used by military personnel of the armed forces of Ukraine at all levels, from units and individual military personnel to the General Staff.

There were massive outages in the secure satellite communications system provided by the United States and the Starlink system. Additionally, in both the ground and space segments of the system, which has ground stations and control points.

All this had a bad effect on the actions of the Ukrainian units as a whole, because a number of units that are on the line of contact were simply left unchecked and simply lost contact with the higher headquarters of units and formations.

Yesterday, rocket strikes were carried out at large railway junction stations, which are used to deliver units and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the front line. They hit the transport hubs of railways in western Ukraine, i.e. the stations that directly receive NATO military aid from Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. If work continues in this spirit for at least a week, then there is a high probability that there will be a serious turn in the conduct of a special military operation.

– Of course, Ukraine allowed this scenario and prepared for it. They already use generators of various types, which are actively used by both soldiers and civilian infrastructure in all spheres of life. Thanks to them, the communication centers used by the army will be supported.

But big problems can arise with the same Internet, because the technology of using optical networks is now used all over the world, where in addition to subscribers, all node stations in the chain from point “A” to point “B” must also be powered. If at least one of them is not powered, the entire segment of the network, or rather, completely stops working.

– Yes. And this is the main psychological moment of the change in the course of the special operation. With the understanding that the country's military administration and political leadership are simply dragging the remnants of Ukraine into the abyss, the last hope remains that the people of the country will make the only right decision – to remove the leadership from their managerial posts in order to preserve at least what still survived and was not exposed to missile attacks.

The geography of the strikes is quite wide. Strategic and vital facilities include not only energy infrastructure facilities, but also heat, gas and water supply facilities. Boiler houses, gas substations, main gas filling stations, which with a high probability may also be exposed to rocket attacks in the future.

Lugansk, LPR.< /p>


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