The Americans laughed at France for violating the agreement with Australia


Australia waiver responsibility of the acquisition of French non-nuclear submarines provoked a cheerful response from readers of the American website Fox News. They also noted Washington's charges against Paris following the break-up of the agreement.

“Perhaps the Australians did not need submarines that would automatically surrender when looking at the enemy,” remarked a user nicknamed RightofYou.

Another user pointed out that Australia wants submarines to be able not only to dive, but also to “swim back to the surface”. “The second point is very important,” & mdash; humorously wrote a foul.

Another commentator noted France's double standard. As part of NATO, Paris sells nuclear technology to Iran, “which threatens the security of the United States and itself.”

There was also an American citizen who remembered how “perfectly normal” state-subsidized Airbus stole Boeing contracts. ” France is now “crying over competition in the underwater business.” “Sorry, Macron, this is the thing.” & quot ;, & mdash; written by db3.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zacharovova, previously drew attention to the double standard of France. She therefore commented on Paris's statement about a stab wound from Australia. According to her, & nbsp; violation of important contracts for Paris is a common thing. In this case, she remembered the Russian-French agreement on the Mistral aircraft carriers.

In this context, she wondered where the French Foreign Minister had received “anger and bitterness”. “Or are the only knives you feel in your back bad?” She asked.

French Foreign Minister Le Drian previously called Australia's “stabbing in the back” the end of Australia's “submarine contract” for submarine construction. According to him, Australia betrayed the trust that had previously been built between the two countries. The minister also admitted that he was upset about what had happened and expressed “ great bitterness '' based on the decision of the Australian authorities.

Previously, the Australians tore off a major submarine contract with the French company NAVAL GROUP against the background of strengthening their relations with the United States and the United Kingdom. The deal was valued at $ 66 billion.


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