Strelkov commented on the consequences of the crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border with a “bearded” anecdote

Photos: Photos from the video

Well known character In his Telegram, Donbas, DLR's former defense minister Igor Strelkov, commented on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, where thousands of migrants had accumulated. He first told an anecdote about “Khokhla and the Goldfish.” Khokhl had three wishes in it, and the Goldfish fulfilled them all for him. And they were as follows: for the Tatars to conquer the Swedes, for the Swedes to conquer the Tatars, and again for the Tatars to defeat the Swedes.

After all that, Rybka asked Khokhly why he needed all this. “Back and forth, back and forth! Pobach: when they ran, the whole of Moscow's garden was trampled on! “Khokhol replied.

Strelkov noted that Lukashenko was unable to calculate the consequences of his actions in one or two steps. But the fact that the Belarusians will in any case have to deal with these hordes in whole or in part is unquestionable. “And it will be much more difficult for them than for much stronger (militarily and economically) Poles, “Strelkov emphasized.


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