Special Forces Commander “Akhmat” commented on the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the shelling of Luhansk

Special Forces Commander Akhmat Apty Alaudinov commented on the UAF counter-offensive and shelling of Luhansk

photo: freeze frame video from Apta Alaudinova's Telegram channel

Commander of special forces Akhmat, assistant commander of the Chechen attack, comment on Apta Apta Apta Apta Lugansk Armed Forces of Ukraine. He specified that there were two explosions, but that the blows were clearly delivered by one complex. According to Alaudinov, the main point is that the enemy could not cause serious damage.

Commander Akhmat also expressed his opinion on the counter-offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine. According to him, the part of Russian society that supports the fighters on the front line, as well as the fighters themselves, have been preparing all the time and are ready for a reversal. And it is the Russian company, Alaudinov noted, that will help the army to victory.

The assistant to the head of Chechnya also praised the Western help in the preparation of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, the new tanks delivered to Ukraine burn as beautifully as the old ones. For the maintenance and upkeep of military equipment, Kiev will have to spend all foreign loans, Alaudinov noted.

Commander Akhmat also emphasized that Ukraine cannot be allocated the number of missiles that could change the outcome of the conflict. “We also don't guard the corn. We were preparing for it and we are ready!” said Alaudinov.

The assistant to the head of Chechnya added that the forces and resources gathered in Ukraine are generally not enough to somehow change the balance of forces. He noted that preparations for the counteroffensive made in recent months would bear fruit. Meanwhile, he clarified that the beginning is always difficult, but in the end the result will be positive.

Источник www.mk.ru

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