Sokurov replied to Kadyrov when he said of a “corrupt face”

Photo: Alexander Astafiev

70 years old The Chechen chief Ramzan Kadarov, a Russian film director and screenwriter and folk artist of the Russian Federation, responded by criticizing his speech at a meeting between the President of the Russian Federation and the Civil Society and Human Rights Council (HRC).

that Sokurov told Vladimir Putin about a number of problems in the country, in particular. He expressed his personal view that the republics of the North Caucasus currently have a strong “national character” and offered the release of those who did not want to live with Russia. Then the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, wrote in his Telegram channel and talked about Sokurov: “I don't like this voracious face!” Kadyrov also suggested that the competent authorities check Sokurov's words for anti-state and extremist character. He also stressed that “The Chechen Republic was, is and will be an integral part of the Russian Federation.”

“I said what I said. But I only said what I said … “- Sokurov remarked, adding that the conversation with the president was open.

” You can talk openly with the president, express your opinion on various circumstances of life in the country. , “Sokorov emphasized, adding that it was appropriate in the HRC.


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