photo: Wikipedia
Journalist and media manager Margarita Simonyan commented on reports that she was on the U.S. sanctions list. In her Telegram channel, Simonyan emphasized that she had no real estate in the United States or other countries, “just because Rodnenkaya has Kuban and Sochi.” Simonyan repeatedly calls Russia “Darling.”
The media manager also wrote that she had no business and bank accounts in the United States, and also said that she did not earn enough “to know what offshore were.” Simonyan also recalled that she had studied in the United States but did not go there because that country had sent her a subpoena to testify.
“On the basis of the above, I should be subject to these sanctions.
Putin's liability law has recently been introduced in the United States. In particular, it is proposed to impose personal sanctions on & nbsp; Simonjan, as well as on & nbsp; Vladimir Solovyov and ; Constantine Ernst.