Satansky called ways to release a Russian ship detained in Denmark

“It's time to develop a corsair fleet”

The detention of the Russian research ship “Akademik Ioffe” in Denmark in a lawsuit by a bankrupt Canadian company caused much confusion. A ship worth tens of millions of dollars with Russian citizens on board was detained in a lawsuit, the cost of which is likely to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. How to react to such an injustice? The well-known political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky spoke on this topic.

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

As the political scientist wrote in his telegram channel “Armageddonych”, the reaction of all the Russian authorities involved has so far been limited to sending requests. Well, according to him, all that remains is to wait for the decision of the international courts “until the Mork conspiracy”. “So it looks like we got a plug with the exploration of the World Ocean.” And big, “wrote Satanovsky.

In his view, unless the country's leadership “takes some radically different decision than usual, we will not really have anything more outside our territorial waters.

“And most importantly, what to do – here and now, so as not to lose the ship and discourage the organizers of this story from any desire to continue this kind of raid of Russian property? the political scientist asked. – … No one will take control of the Danish port of Skagen after he has recaptured the arrested ship and taken it to Russia, accompanied by the Russian Navy. We do not have the political will and strength for this kind of action. It's a shame, of course, but no. And it looks like it won't be anymore. “

” There was a country, it had a fleet, they were naval commanders, and it was either an empire or a superpower … “- Satanic regretted the past.

Out of fun, he proposed creating a fleet of private or corsairs in Russia to deal with such a situation: “Maybe it's time to set up a private fleet?” It's violent. It's time to catch up! ” – wrote a political scientist.

Private individuals or corsairs are a kind of private military company. With the permission of the authorities, they used armed vessels to seize enemy merchant ships.


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