Main center head Colonel Sergei Suchkov said that the missile attack warning system of the Russian armed forces would be fully transferred to high-alert radar stations in Voronezh. This is expected by 2030. Radar “Voronezh” can be quickly built and upgraded.
In an interview with the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, he noted that the introduction of these stations in the early warning system will ensure the completion of the rearmament of the early warning system with a new generation radar. According to Suchkov, new equipment with improved performance characteristics and increased protection against interference will appear in the Leningrad region by this time. Some high-tech radar stations that are in combat service in the Krasnodar Territory and the Irkutsk region should also be upgraded.
New Voronezh radars are currently in combat service in the Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Irkutsk areas. . They also work in the Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk and Altai regions.
In addition, the recently modernized Dnepr radar station serves in the combat service in the Murmansk region. The Daryal radar station operates in Komi and the Volga radar station in Belarus.
In November 2021, Russia restored the level of space warning for US missile launches. Russian space forces have successfully launched a satellite in the interests of the Ministry of Defense from the Pleseck military spaceport in the Arkhangelsk region. They have thus increased the capabilities of the missile attack warning system.