Russian Professor Egorov was deported from Moldova


Chisinau deports first deputy director CIS, Doctor of Historical and Economic Sciences, Professor Vladimir Egorov. It is exported from the airport in the capital of Moldova. The reasons for deportation were not stated. & Nbsp;

According to RIA Novosti, Vladimir Georgovich was detained at a border check after arriving in Chisinau. For arrival purposes stated “Medical Indications”. Yegorov was then questioned about the reasons why he was the owner of the prizes of the unrecognized Transnistrian Republic of Moldova. The scientist is now in an undocumented buffer zone. They were taken from him.

Natalia Narochnitskaya, a political scientist and doctor of science, was not admitted to Moldova earlier on Friday. The same thing happened with Vladimir Zhuravlev, a member of the Russian Public Chamber.

Narochnitskaya was held at the border for two hours and then taken without explanation to the same plane, which flew to the republic and deported. The political scientist linked the incident to the upcoming presidential elections in Transnistria, which will take place on December 12.


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