“Russia is going crazy”: The Turks reacted to Erdogan's map

Photos: Social Networks

Commented by Haber7 readers photos Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party, Devlet Bahcheli, and the “Turkish world” card presented to him. It is worth noting that on this map, Bulgaria, northwest of Iran, some North Caucasus republics of Russia, eastern Siberia, Central Asian republics without Tajikistan and Afghanistan are marked as “Turkic”.

The Bahcheli party is one of the pillars of the Erdogan regime. It is emphasized that Bahceli stayed with Erdogan for 45 minutes, they spoke, and then the nationalist left the Turkish leader without making any press release. The Russian authorities did not officially comment on the incident.

Subscribers pointed to the fact that this map contains an indication that Ankara intends to support not Muslims, but specifically the Turkish nations. “Russia is going crazy,” “The card gave a very important signal, congratulations.” May the Lord maintain our unity and solidarity forever “,” With the permission of Allah, the Union of Turkic States will soon be created, God forbid “,” Signal to friend and foe. And the main signal is to the Russian bear “,” Unity, unity, unity! .. Only then can we defeat an army of infidels! “Yevgeny Satanovsky believes that Russia's cooperation with Turkey contributes to the enrichment of some people and creates the conditions for its collapse.

Источник www.mk.ru

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