Russia became a telephone in a rented apartment: Putin became an emergency service

Living without “passed, huh?” It won't work anymore

“So, (Russian indefinite article) passed, right?” The phrase sounded off-screen in a video commentary by the Lesosibir prosecutor's office about measures taken after a local complained to Putin on a flooded road. And it would be funny, but unfortunately, this is all a Russian phrase that sounds now, in direct line with the president, from all corners of the vast homeland.


In this video, after commenting (and there was no need to force the editor to jump out of his pants, just to report faster), a man in a blue uniform with three stars on his shoulder straps reports that the Krasnoyarsk Prosecutor's Office organized a check on information about possible construction violations. road to the village of Borovoe and “shall take a comprehensive set of measures by the public prosecutor if there are grounds”. The “foundation” – muddy water instead of a road – was a step away from the prosecutor in the video. The video was shot at a bank. Here it is, base, howling underfoot. However, the prosecutor's office must check his presence. How? How else? Swim? Let the ships go? Are you trying to catch fish? And most importantly – and without “overcoming” it was not possible to adopt a “comprehensive set of measures of the public prosecutor's reaction”? After all, this is the prosecutor's office. But. “Service would keep him from thinking about the importance of Russian intelligence to which social class he considered himself.” So Lokhankin's long thoughts shrank to a pleasant and close topic: “Vasisualy Lokhankin and his significance,” “Lokhankin and the tragedy of Russian liberalism,” and “Lokhankin and his role in the Russian Revolution.” Are there people when the Public Prosecutor's Office began to represent the interests of the Russian Federation in international legal structures?

Whose interests do the governors represent? While they were appointed, it was basically clear. It was necessary to overcome the turbulence in power, build a clear system of management and vertical. Well, here we are, lined up. Governors are elected. They were pardoned in the fight against the covid, except that they did not put the stigma “you are independent” on their foreheads. But not. Thinking about raising the salary of regional fire brigades, settling with the federal from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, no, without Putin it does not work. The basic question – to remove the piles of garbage around the village and to reach out to the local garbage collectors who organized the landfill here – is also not solved without “telephoning”. This is a question at the level of the nuclear power plant manager.

Smaller officials are not able to repair the roof in kindergarten. However, he is able to threaten detention, take his grandson, the applicant – so as not to shout: Putin, help!

Tens, hundreds of thousands of problems that should be solved at the level of the village, the district, at most – the governor, go to Putin. Because they don't dare. Why? After all, all these smaller officials, regional prosecutors, local MPs – a huge army – cannot be without exception brainless, crooked and ruthless. They are people like us – with wives, husbands, children, communal accounts and a broken elevator. Some even have kombucha in the kitchen. There is something profound that disturbs the level of perception.

Not so long ago, I bought the paint, I whitewash the ceiling. And the saleswoman asked me: are you for yourself or for a rented apartment?

– What's the difference? – I was surprised.

– Well, the detachable deteriorates – so that there is visibility.

I took the best one, even though I live in a detachable one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city.

But here it is – the approach. He was born 30 years ago when our country was taken away from us. When it appeared – rented apartment Russia. The real owners, who live on the sunny democratic shores, it doesn't matter: the territory brings income, and well. And what about tenants – when everything around is foreign, isn't everything theirs for a long time? There is no point in trying. Here is one visibility and it remains. Well, and Putin as an emergency service.


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