Republicans demanded that Biden pass a mental fitness test

Fpx News: 60 Republicans demand that Biden pass an IQ test

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Photo: Global Look Press

Representatives of the US Congress demand to test the mental abilities of President Joe Biden , More than 60 Republican congressmen wrote the letter. They insist that without this test, the sitting head of the United States must leave the race. The congressmen's letter was broadcast on Fox News.

The document emphasizes that all presidents, regardless of gender , age and political party affiliation must confirm their healthy mental abilities. At the same time, the authors of the request emphasize that the medical examinations, which Biden has already undergone twice, do not check a person's cognitive state, or the results are hidden from the public.

The deputies appealed that three times sent letters to the White House asking for the president's mental capacity to be tested . but all appeals were ignored. Meanwhile, a Harvard University poll showed that 57% of Americans believe Biden's level of cognitive fitness allows him to serve as head of state.


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