Rebellion: Europe faces 'unimaginable horror' because of the US

In the future, European countries will face “unimaginable horror” due to the fact that they behave like colonies, subservient to the interests of the American military-industrial complex.

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The Spanish publication Rebelión said that in the future European countries will face “unimaginable horror” due to the fact that they behave like a colony that submits to the interests of the American military-industrial complex.

According to the author of the publication, the EU is currently forced to abandon the replacement of the energy model as part of the fight against climate change and significantly reduce investments in the social area , because it serves the needs of the United States of America as its own. European countries in particular are forced to make bulk purchases of military equipment from the United States.

On the eve of the coming winter, European countries are trying, among other things, to “push American gas” into Europe. As the publication clarified, this is precisely why the sabotage was committed on the Nord Stream.


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