Putin spoke of a CIA agent who was an adviser to the government in the 1990s

Photo: pixabay.com

At the beginning of 19 In the 1980s, at least one US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) staff served as an adviser to the Russian government. By doing business in Russia, he violated American laws and became a member of the lawsuit in his homeland.

In an interview with the film “Russia. Contemporary History”, the head of state, Vladimir Putin, stated this. A fragment of the film showed the TV channel “Russia-1”. CIA agents were involved in the privatization process when they worked in Russia. Putin did not name intelligence officers.

The president explained that in the early 2000s he “cleaned them all,” but in the mid-1990s American intelligence officers served as advisers to the Russian government. During a direct line in 2013, Putin said CIA officers worked in the environment of Anatoly Chubais. He headed the Federal Property Management Agency and, as deputy prime minister, oversaw the privatization process. US intelligence officers had no right to enrich themselves in Russia.

“They were banned by law from engaging in any commercial activity within the United States, but they could not resist corruption – you know,” the Russian president said.

Источник www.mk.ru

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