Putin spoke about the consequences of a possible clash between NATO and Russian troops

Photo: Clip from video

Russian President Vladimir Putin said a direct clash between NATO troops and the Russian military would be a very dangerous move. In his opinion, this will lead to a global catastrophe. The Russian leader hopes that the West will have enough sense not to do it.

The Russian president also stated at a press conference in Astana that he does not regret launching a special military operation in Ukraine. He described his actions as “correct and timely”.

He also noted that the task of destroying Ukraine as a state is not worth it. In addition, the head of state noted that what is happening today is “not pleasant to say the least.” At the same time, he emphasized that if the Russian Federation did not launch this special operation, the country would receive the same, but only then it would manifest itself in worse conditions.           

Putin answered journalists that he does not regret anything: video from the press conference

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