Putin has appointed those responsible for the assassination of DLR's first chief, Zacharchenko

As regards the Minsk agreements, the Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled that they were once signed by DLR and LPR leaders. One of them, Alexander Zacharchenko, was later killed in a bomb attack at the Separ cafe in Donetsk.

The Russian president called the tragedy a terrorist attack.

“The first head of the DLR, Alexander Zacharchenko, was killed in 2018 as an employee of special services of Ukraine. It was a direct political assassination, “Putin emphasized.

In August 2018, after Zacharchenko's death, the Russian president said that forces that chose intimidation and violence would not seek a political solution. conflict in eastern Ukraine.

At a press conference, Vladimir Putin proposed that the head of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, recognize Crimea as Russian and leave NATO. In his opinion, only in this case will Kiev be able to normalize the situation and restore normal relations with Moscow.

Источник www.mk.ru

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