Prime Minister of Belarus: the country has learned to live in the conditions of Western sanctions


As the TV channel states “Belarus-1”, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko told reporters that the government of the republic has drawn up a plan for the national economy in the context of Western sanctions.

“The Government of Belarus has a clear plan of work in terms of … sectoral sanctions imposed by the West … Tighter working conditions will force our country to move even faster and to actively enter new markets,” said the Prime Minister.

According to the Prime Minister, the need to draw up a clear action plan has become a kind of `stimulating and motivating factor“.

Regarding the future of a number of already approved joint projects of Belarus with European financial institutions, Golovchenko said that even if they slip, it will not have a negative impact on the economy Mike from Belarus: “ We know how to replace these resources – somewhere with their own, somewhere borrowed funds“


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