Prilepin recommended to show a video of the airport in Kabul at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The speed of Ukrainian administrators' flight will be even higher

These Washington-backed regimes must now learn from the situation in Afghanistan, says writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin.

Photo: Still from video

On my page On a Telegram channel, he commented on a video from Kabul Airport, where US troops chased Afghans fleeing the country from planes:

According to him, “The speed of flight of Ukrainian administrators, mercenaries from Odessa and” heroes “of attacking abandoned Mariupol and abandoned Slavyansk – during the withdrawal of the US administration from Kiev, will be even higher. “

Prilepin is known for fighting in the OPO. In addition, according to him,” this Afghan horror, surprisingly (nothing really special), needs to be looked at especially carefully in Armenia. This is what “American stocks” look like. No one will give the ruble for the national sovereignty of the countries that live from these shares. Prilepin believes that the escape of the Americans from Kabul is not an accident. “Before the meeting between Putin and Biden, I said ten times on all channels that Biden would give up several positions.” No one, to put it mildly, believed. After the meeting between Putin and Biden, I repeated 10 times on all channels that we know nothing about the outcome of the meeting. But these results exist. They just didn't tell us about them. And so we look at the world around us. Oh, this is a wonderful world. I like Biden more than Trump. Take care of Biden, “the writer joked.


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