Political scientist Martynov called the purpose of Merkel's visit to Moscow

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Institute Director Political Scientist Aleksey Martynov from the current states explained why German Chancellor Angela Merkel, before her trip to Kiev, scheduled for August 22, suddenly decided to come to Moscow on August 20 and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to Martynov, the construction of the gas pipeline is now nearing completion. Nord Stream 2 is also important for Merkel before the new German Chancellor is elected to implement this project.

“It is important for her to correct the maintenance of the transit of a certain amount of Russian gas through Ukraine,” Life quotes. Martyn's words.

The political scientist also noted that at a meeting with Vladimir Putin, the German Chancellor will raise issues related to the implementation of the pipeline in the context of the agreements between Berlin and Washington.

Источник www.mk.ru

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