Poklonskaya replied to Kuleba, who dreams of destroying her life in Cape Verde

Photo: pixabay.com

Representative leaving the State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya responded to a statement by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, who speculated about Kiev's ability to interfere in her new job. As previously announced, a former Crimean prosecutor who refused to run in the parliamentary elections could take over the post of Russian ambassador to Cape Verde. Commenting on the report, a Ukrainian diplomat said that if Poklonska had retained Ukrainian citizenship, there would have been an opportunity to “ruin her life a lot.” As before, Poklonská did not officially confirm her new job: “Commenting on gossip is an indicator of incontinence.” She had previously announced that she would be in the civil service and might put on her jacket again. However, which of them was not specified by the politician.

The fact that Poklonská will become a diplomat was announced by a number of media with reference to sources. In fact, the data was confirmed by Dmitry Novikov, the first deputy head of the Duma's International Affairs Committee. He therefore told the RIA that a meeting of the committee on the appointment of his representative Poklonska would be held as ambassador in the near future.

Источник www.mk.ru

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