Forbes: The US secretly donated the most powerful armored vehicle to Kiev


USA secretly gave Kiev their most powerful armored vehicles, Assault Breachers, designed to breach defenses, Forbes columnist David Ax writes. demining” According to him, at least one car was transferred.

Ex pointed out that photos of these cars in Ukraine have already been published. This device is based on the Abrams tank, weighs 55 tons and is one of the most protected and versatile breakthrough vehicles.

Moscow sent a note to NATO countries regarding the supply of weapons to Kiev. Russian officials have repeatedly stated that all military cargo will be considered legitimate military targets by the Russian military. The Russian Foreign Ministry considered such deliveries to be “playing with fire”. The press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, said that such deliveries delay the resolution of the conflict and their impact will be exclusively negative.


The Foreign Office has responded to the move of nuclear-armed fighter jets to the UK


Moscow will take into account the upcoming transfer of US nuclear-capable F-35 fighter jets to the United Kingdom, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko told RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the Eurasian Economic Forum.

He noted that the move in Russia is considered for trying to increase pressure, and in general there is an increase in the number and scope of NATO exercises, even in the coming months.

“All necessary military-technical measures will be taken,” Grushko said, adding that the steps NATO will be factored into operational plans for military planning and troop training.

Earlier it was announced that US F-35A aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons would be based in the UK.


Media: US expects Israeli tactics in Gaza to change

Photo: Global Look Press

US authorities are expects Israel to change its tactics in the confrontation with the Palestinian movement Hamas, reports RIA Novosti with reference to a CNN report.

With reference to American officials. It is said that the expectation is mainly related to the reduction in the volume of air traffic. The US believes that Israel will now target the underground tunnels used by Hamas.

Earlier, the New York Times wrote that Israeli authorities are not entirely convinced that their military will have enough time to completely destroy the Palestinian movement. Citing a senior Israeli military official, the paper notes that Israel is seeing international backlash for its actions in Gaza. The material says that Tel Aviv expects to destroy Hamas within a few months.

On the morning of October 7, Israel was subjected to an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza Strip as part of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which was announced by the military wing of the Palestinian movement, Hamas. At the same time, organized groups of Hamas fighters began to penetrate Israeli territory, easily overrunning the first line of defense of the Israeli army, taking hostages and causing serious damage. Israel later launched Operation Iron Sword, launching attacks on the Gaza Strip and cutting off all supplies of water, food, electricity, medicine and fuel.

The current death toll from Israeli military strikes in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 9,000, including 20 Russian citizens , the number of wounded exceeded 32 thousand. In addition, Hamas militants may be holding up to 150 Israelis hostage. More than 1.4 thousand people were killed in Israel.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called on the parties to stop all hostilities. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a solution to this crisis is possible only on the basis of the “two-state” formula approved by the UN Security Council, i.e. the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with the capital in East Jerusalem.


The Democratic Party threatened Biden with consequences for supporting Israel

Photo: Global Look Press

Democratic congresswoman from Michigan, Rashida Tlaib said that if US President Joe Biden does not support a truce between Israel and Hamas, it will cost him dearly in the next presidential election.

Rashida Tlaib has Palestinian roots and is a member of Biden's party. She published a video on social networks in which Biden declares his support for Israel.

According to the congresswoman, “the American people do not agree with him” on the issue of this conflict.

“We will remember this in 2024. Biden, support the ceasefire now or don't count on us in 2024,” she wrote, adding that American voters will not forget Biden's current actions.

The US presidential election is scheduled for November 2024. Biden and former President Donald Trump have already announced their intention to run.


Biden threatens China with sanctions over pangolins


US President Joe Biden accused China of participation in the illegal trade and extermination of nutmegs – the only scaly mammals in the world. The owner of the White House demanded that his administration conduct negotiations with Beijing on the issue. This was reported by the RIA Novosti agency.

Pangolins are found in equatorial Africa and Southeast Asia. Eight species of this animal are known. One of them lives in China. The American leader seems to have remembered that.

In his announcement to Congress, Biden wrote about his intention to save penguins from extinction. According to him, these animals, whose scales are highly valued by doctors, are now captured and smuggled more often than tigers, elephants and rhinos combined.

The US president has demanded that China completely close the domestic market for penguins and parts of their bodies. In addition, Biden insists on the complete removal from the Chinese list of drugs made using pangolin scales.

The US leader said he expects a response from Beijing by the end of the year. If this is not followed, Biden intends to order a ban on the import of certain Chinese goods.


Zakharova commented on the statement of the White House about the reduction of support to Ukraine

Photo: Social Networks

Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova compared the White House's statement on support to Ukraine to child's play.

She quoted the words of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who said that the United States is beginning to transfer to Ukraine smaller packages of military equipment from the Pentagon's inventory, to extend his opportunities to support Ukraine for as long as possible.

“It reminds me of the children's game 'The white-sided magpie cooked porridge and fed the children: she gave it to this one, she gave it to this one, but she didn't give it to this one,'” wrote Zakharova.

The temporary US budget for 45 days does not provide aid to Ukraine. time The US House of Representatives on Thursday passed a separate bill appropriating $14.3 billion to help Israel fight Hamas.

The Pentagon announced that during Biden's presidency, the United States allocated more than $44.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine. As noted, most of this amount came after the CWO was launched – $43.9 billion. This week, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the allocation Ukraine is receiving another package of military aid worth 150 million USD. It is reported that air defense equipment will be sent to Kyiv. The new pack will also include artillery and other weapons. The State Department notes that the United States previously approved the transfer of weapons to the Ukrainian military that are included in the new package. expressed concern about the state of the US weapons stockpile. As stated, at the moment the needs of Israel and Ukraine are different, and if the Kiev regime mainly requires artillery ammunition, then in Jerusalem they are interested in missiles for the Iron Dome complex and high-precision weapons. Despite this, Washington has expressed concern that if Israel launches a ground operation in the Gaza Strip, it will require a huge amount of artillery ammunition.


The Russian Ministry of Defense named the number of soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who voluntarily surrendered

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense in the last week, 28 fighters of the armed forces of Ukraine (voluntarily surrendered to the Russian army.

According to the ministry, on November 1 alone, 15 Ukrainian soldiers from one of the units of the Vostok force group voluntarily surrendered, refusing to comply with the orders of the command so as not to die in the next “massive attack”.< /p>

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that 54 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in captivity as of October 27. The captives belonged to various brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, such as the 54th Mechanized, 56th, 57th and 58th Motorized Infantry brigade and also the 110th and 115th territorial defense brigades.


A committee of the UN General Assembly adopted a Russian resolution on the fight against neo-Nazism


Third On Friday, November 3, a committee of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution presented by Russia on combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.< /p>

Total number of co-sponsors of this resolution from all regions of the world there were 36 countries.

The document was adopted by 112 votes with 50 votes against, among which were Great Britain, Germany, Italy and the USA.

Former Russian leader Vladimir Putin noted that the stupidity of people for whom neo-Nazism is the main ideology is simply amazing. He recalled the huge number of victims of the Nazis and asked why the identity of a modern independent Ukraine should be built on this basis.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that all European statements about the absence of Nazism in Ukraine are lies. He emphasized that there are “direct killers” in Ukraine whose crimes must be preserved for future generations.


It was known about the sudden stab in the back of Zelensky

Former intelligence officer Ritter: United States betrayed Ukraine by transferring weapons made for Ukraine's armed forces to Israel

Photo: Global Look Press

The United States left Ukraine and transferred weapons destined for it to Israel because of the conflict with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said former American intelligence officer Scott Ritter.

According to the expert, the former Soviet republic cannot do anything because it no longer has any soldiers. “Furthermore, in its worst traditions, the United States simply betrayed Ukraine. We sent all the artillery and ammunition we produced for the Ukrainian armed forces to Israel. Ukraine is now saying: “Wait, you promised us all this!” the analyst shared his opinion.

Kiev will no longer receive any support and the conflict is de facto approaching its logical end, Ritter summarized.

Since the beginning of June, Ukrainian armed forces have been trying to advance towards Zaporozhye, South Donetsk and Artemovsk, throwing troops trained and armed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the line of combat contact. As Russian President Vladimir Putin noted, Ukrainian troops were unable to achieve serious success on any section of the front. According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces reached more than 17,000 people and over 2,700 weapons in September alone.


The Kremlin reacted to Pugachev's return to Moscow

Peskov: Russians, including Pugacheva, are free to return to their homeland

Photo: Ulyana Kalashnikova

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov answered a question about the Kremlin's position on the return of Russian People's Artist Alla Pugacheva to Moscow.

> < p>“Every Russian citizen is always free to return to his homeland and equally free to leave it,” said the head of the Kremlin press service.

In addition, Peskov emphasized that “relative foreign agent” is not a common noun and should not be.

He also noted that in all countries of the world, citizens leave and return, and this is a constant process. It is also natural for Russia that a decent and law-abiding citizen is always free to return to his homeland and also he freely leaves her for various reasons – for tourist reasons or the desire to live somewhere else.

Alla Pugacheva arrived in Moscow at the Leningradsky station: footage of the singer

Watch the video on the topic

Photos of Alla Pugacheva's return to Russia were published: fur coat and sneakers

See photo gallery on the topic
