RT: in Lugansk, they hit the former building of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the army was stationed

RT: The Armed Forces of Ukraine entered the old building of the Lugansk Academy of Internal Affairs

RT, citing its correspondent in the LPR, reports that during today's shelling of Luhansk, “they hit the old building of the Luhansk Academy of Internal Affairs.” The channel reports that “the military has been stationed there since 2015,” while the academy itself is currently located in the city center.

“According to preliminary data, there may be dead and injured,” the report said.

p >

As was known earlier, on the morning of May 13 there was an explosion in the Yubileyny microdistrict.

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“RV”: The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation conducted a night operation to destroy the forces and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

“RV”: The Russian army carried out a night operation to destroy the forces and objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

photo: mil.ru

“Russian Spring” reports that the Russian army carried out an operation on Saturday evening to destroy the forces and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in several Ukrainian regions at once.

According to the publication, objects in Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk were attacked using Geran-2 kamikaze drones.

In addition, in the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, where personnel reserves were Ukrainian troops, as well as warehouses with weapons, explosions.

There were also explosions at night in Kyiv, Lviv and Khmelnytskyi regions. In the Khmelnytsky region, authorities later announced damage to critical infrastructure equipment and a change in train timetables without details.

Air raid signals were heard at night in the region of Zhytomyr, Rivne, Chernivtsi and Ternopil.


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Republicans demanded that Biden pass a mental fitness test

Fpx News: 60 Republicans demand that Biden pass an IQ test

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Photo: Global Look Press

Representatives of the US Congress demand to test the mental abilities of President Joe Biden , More than 60 Republican congressmen wrote the letter. They insist that without this test, the sitting head of the United States must leave the race. The congressmen's letter was broadcast on Fox News.

The document emphasizes that all presidents, regardless of gender , age and political party affiliation must confirm their healthy mental abilities. At the same time, the authors of the request emphasize that the medical examinations, which Biden has already undergone twice, do not check a person's cognitive state, or the results are hidden from the public.

The deputies appealed that three times sent letters to the White House asking for the president's mental capacity to be tested . but all appeals were ignored. Meanwhile, a Harvard University poll showed that 57% of Americans believe Biden's level of cognitive fitness allows him to serve as head of state.

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The US Department of Transportation is investigating the hacking of servers with the personal data of 237,000 employees

DOT investigates hacking of servers with personal information of 237,000 employees

Photo: Gennadij Cherkasov

The US Department of Transportation is investigating the leak of personal data of 237,000 government employees who got into the network. This is reported by the Reuters agency. The agency cites a letter the department sent to the US Congress.

According to the agency, the breach occurred through the department's TRANServe system, which is used to process transportation benefits and reimburse state employees for a portion of their transportation costs Access to the system temporarily frozen . At the same time, the leak did not affect the security systems in any way.

There is no information yet on who could be responsible for the hack. The investigation continues

Earlier it became known about the data leak of two million drivers in Toyota. They entered the public domain due to a malfunctioning setting in the company's cloud storage.

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Kommersant: Against the backdrop of Beijing's peace efforts, the US and the EU are reassessing relations with China

“Kommersant”: Against the backdrop of Beijing's peace efforts, the US and the EU are reassessing relations with China

Photo: Global Look Press

Washington and Brussels intend to revise relations with Beijing as part of China's efforts to maintain peace. Kommersant wrote about it.

According to the publication, the focus of Friday's meeting of EU foreign ministers in Stockholm focused on two main topics – “Relations between the EU and China” and “Russia's aggression against Ukraine.” The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell stated that the EU needs to assess the possibilities of “recalibration” of relations with China.

He stated that China's ambition is to build a new world order with it in the middle. Therefore, even a possible failure of Russia in Ukraine will not be able to affect the trajectory of China's development. China will still be able to reap geopolitical benefits from this turn of events.

The United States is also seeking to improve relations with Beijing. I.

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Blinken and Kuleba talked about the counter-offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Chapter US State Department officials Anthony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba discussed the Ukrainian military's preparations for a counter-offensive on Friday, the State Department said in a statement.

The contribution of Kiev's Western allies to preparations for the counter-offensive was also reportedly discussed. Blinken said the Biden administration has expressed its readiness to support the Kiev regime “for as long as it takes.”

Earlier, the Financial Times reported that the Ukrainian regime is aware of the futility of the announced counter-offensive and its officials acknowledge it. According to the publication, Kiev fears that Western financial and military aid will stop due to the failure of the counter-offensive. The newspaper, citing sources, says that Ukrainian officials are pessimistic about the prospects of regaining control over the DLR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions this year. The Financial Times notes that the Ukrainian regime fears that if it fails, the West will put pressure on it to negotiate. The publication recalls that earlier in Washington they repeatedly said that Kiev needs to achieve something on the battlefield to convince Congress and the Americans of the need to continue supporting it.

Previously, Defense Minister Reznikov said in a comment to the Washington Post expectations from the Ukrainian counter-offensive are overestimated. According to him, “something grandiose” is expected from the Ukrainian offensive, but in the end “it can lead to emotional disappointment.”

The British edition of the Times reported that American intelligence services do not believe in the prospects of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and do not expect success from it. According to the newspaper, the United States believes that Ukraine's armed forces are not ready for an offensive and at best will manage to make “modest territorial gains.” At the same time, according to the Times, the West is not sure of the ability of the Ukrainians to adapt to the weapons provided to them, and there is a critical lack of air defense systems, which makes the position of the Ukrainians constantly vulnerable.

The Economist noted that the widely announced offensive of armed formations Ukraine may end up in a “cauldron”. The article states that Kiev's plans to launch an offensive are extremely risky. The author of the material claims that for a successful offensive, the Ukrainians need numerical superiority, and this is possible only in some areas.

Previously, the press secretary of the Ukrainian Defense Forces “South” Natalia Gumenyuk, on the broadcast of the We Are Ukraine TV channel, said, that the counter-offensive of the armed formations of Ukraine is being carried out with “small but confident steps”, but it is achieving its goals.

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Special Forces Commander “Akhmat” commented on the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the shelling of Luhansk

Special Forces Commander Akhmat Apty Alaudinov commented on the UAF counter-offensive and shelling of Luhansk

photo: freeze frame video from Apta Alaudinova's Telegram channel

Commander of special forces Akhmat, assistant commander of the Chechen attack, comment on Apta Apta Apta Apta Lugansk Armed Forces of Ukraine. He specified that there were two explosions, but that the blows were clearly delivered by one complex. According to Alaudinov, the main point is that the enemy could not cause serious damage.

Commander Akhmat also expressed his opinion on the counter-offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine. According to him, the part of Russian society that supports the fighters on the front line, as well as the fighters themselves, have been preparing all the time and are ready for a reversal. And it is the Russian company, Alaudinov noted, that will help the army to victory.

The assistant to the head of Chechnya also praised the Western help in the preparation of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, the new tanks delivered to Ukraine burn as beautifully as the old ones. For the maintenance and upkeep of military equipment, Kiev will have to spend all foreign loans, Alaudinov noted.

Commander Akhmat also emphasized that Ukraine cannot be allocated the number of missiles that could change the outcome of the conflict. “We also don't guard the corn. We were preparing for it and we are ready!” said Alaudinov.

The assistant to the head of Chechnya added that the forces and resources gathered in Ukraine are generally not enough to somehow change the balance of forces. He noted that preparations for the counteroffensive made in recent months would bear fruit. Meanwhile, he clarified that the beginning is always difficult, but in the end the result will be positive.

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Most Germans are in favor of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine

Photo: Video clip

Most German citizens supports the holding of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, a survey by the sociological firm YouGov commissioned by the DPA agency showed.

55% of respondents support negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow with the aim of ending the war, and only 28% are against, the results show.


A majority of Germans also reject Ukraine's invitation to join NATO: 54% are against and only 27% are in favor of offering Ukraine the prospect of NATO membership at this stage.

< p> Earlier, Sky News reported, that some Western diplomats believe that it is better for Ukraine to remove the condition of impossibility of negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, since then its position may weaken. According to the publication, Western diplomats believe it would now be useful for Volodymyr Zelensky to withdraw his condition of refusing to negotiate with Vladimir Putin so that he can negotiate “at a time when Kiev is in relative strength, having launched a successful counter-offensive”. /p> < p> In early October, Zelensky legally confirmed the impossibility of negotiating with Putin. The Kremlin said that now it is necessary to wait for a change in Zelensky's opinion or the arrival of a new president of Ukraine.

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Daniil Bezsonov announced the destruction of the Leopard tank near Soledar

Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Voenkor Daniil Bezsonov announced the destruction of the German Leopard tank near Soledar. He wrote about it in his Telegram channel.

According to his information, yesterday the Armed Forces of Ukraine actively took offensive actions in the direction of Soledar, including the use of tanks. In the area of ​​the village of Zaliznyanskoye, one of the Leopards was blown up by an anti-tank mine and took off his boots. The Ukrainian army tried to pull the tank away with an infantry fighting vehicle, but the Russian army burned it together with the tank with a hand grenade launcher.

Beznosov also said that all attacks in the Soledar direction were repelled.

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Zaluzhny first appeared in public after rumors of his death

Chief Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhnyi makes first public appearance after rumors of his death

Photo: Video clip

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny made his first public appearance of his death and gave an interview to Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Komarov, which was broadcast on the TV channel “1+1”.

"The Soviet army lived for a long time in the armed forces of Ukraine, and they are still echoed somewhere. But my subordinates know: if somewhere I find a representative of the Soviet Army in any position — I won't figure it out for a long time, », — Zaluzhny gave details.

Earlier, the head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, said that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny refused to attend the committee meeting. He informed that the Ukrainian general did not want to participate in the event even via video link due to the tense operational situation on the line of contact.

After that, a number of Russian telegram channels reported that Zaluzhny was probably eliminated during combat actions near the town of Khasov Yar. The Russian Ministry of Defense did not confirm this information, the Ukrainian side denied the relevant data.

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