The Bundestag reports on Germany's preparations for war with Russia


As nd newspaper states .DerTag, a member of the Federal Assembly for the left-wing faction Sevim Dagdelen told reporters about the increase in German defense spending. The deputy said that in this way the authorities are trying to prepare for war with Russia.

“NATO's arms-building policy, the escalation towards Russia and the German authorities are forgetting the history and memory of the attack on the USSR 80 years ago, – two sides of the same coin, & # 39; & # 39; Dagdelen is sure.

She also pointed out new everyday “ reasons & # 39; & # 39; discovered German authorities to impose new sanctions on Russia.

“Relations between Germany and Russia have bottomed out … Instead of diplomacy, the German government is betting on unprecedented armaments and trying to become the largest military power,” the deputy said.


In Armenia, “extra-parliamentary elections” have begun: searches, fighting, shooting

The evening may get even warmer.

Extraordinary parliamentary elections in Armenia are held in a “non-parliamentary” atmosphere. The day before, analysts had warned that the situation would be hot. But how much – they didn't expect either. Searching at headquarters, fighting, shooting in polling stations and shelling candidates' cars – this rarely happens on election day. You can only imagine how the number of votes will end …

Photo: AP

The morning of the parliamentary elections began with a slight halt at 114 polling stations. On this day, 119 members of the election commissions decided not to come to work. Compared to the general background of 16064 members of election commissions, this is, of course, a drop in the bucket. But among those who “saved” their duties were five polling station secretaries. They had to hurry to look for a replacement.

It should be noted that Sunday's parliamentary elections were attended by 25 political forces of Armenia: 21 parties and 4 constituencies. Among them are the political associations of the country's three former presidents: the “Armenia” bloc led by second president Robert Kocharian, the “I have the honor” bloc led by third president Sergeant Sargsyan, and the Armenian National Congress, led by Armenia's first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan … On the eve of the election, a poll by the international association Gallup showed that Kocharian's political forces had bypassed the ruling civil contract, led by Nikol Pashinyan. 28.7% of respondents were ready to vote for “Armenia”, 25.2% for “civil agreement”.

On election day, therefore, the hottest confrontation took place between the two forces. In the morning, there were reports that in Sisian, in the Syunik area, inspections were carried out in the polling station and in the homes of members of the headquarters of the Armenian bloc, led by Robert Kocharian. Four members of the headquarters were summoned to Yerevan for explanations. Police described one of the reasons for the search as “finding equipment for printing ballots, ballots and other materials related to the electoral process.” The leadership of the bloc believes that all this provocation was organized in order to dismiss four representatives of the headquarters and prevent them from performing their duties on election day. Following a complaint from the “Armenia” party, the Ombudsman went to the Syunik region to find out the reasons for what was happening. During the vote, former Armenia President Serzh Sargsyan also spoke of pressure from the law enforcement system. “The whole law enforcement system, especially in the last days of the election campaign, is clearly using brutal violence against us at the suggestion of the authorities.” Incomprehensible invitations to police stations, illegal searches, detention, “he said.

In the morning, the notorious candidate for Prime Minister of the Alliance of Democrats Shirinyan-Babajanyan Bloc Arman Babajanyan, who plays on the Pashinyan side, spoke about the attempted life. Allegedly, an unknown person “in a white robe and mask” fired a pistol at a parliamentary car. It is true that Babajanyan was not in the car at the time, meaning that the “attempt” for some reason fired at an empty car. But the scandal came out loud. However, the actual shooting with the victims took place a little later in the Ararat area. The gas pistol was fired by one of the observers fighting strangers who did not like the question: why are there no cameras in the polling station and why are the members of the commission telling voters who to vote for? As a result, the observer and his father ended up in the hospital.

There were questions from the police and the ruling party and its leader, Nikol Pashinyana. The Prime Minister himself violated the electoral law when he spoke to the citizens on a day of silence. On election day, Hayk Sargsyan, a member of his party, posted photos on polling stations where ballot papers for number 24 were collected. This is the numbering of Robert Kocharian's “Armenia” block. “Les Miserables” – the deputy signed the photo. The Prosecutor General's Office has already responded to illegal photographs by launching a process to check the “presence of the delicti corpus”.


The Russian army deployed an American convoy in Syria

The US attempted to violate the patrol agreement.

Russian troops in Syria blocked the US military convoy and forced it to turn around and change direction. The website “ Russian Spring“ informs about it and publishes a video from the incident.

Screenshot from the video “Military Corps of the Russian “According to available data, a settlement agreement in the area of ​​Tell-Tamr settlement in Haseke province in northeastern Syria was violated by a US-led coalition patrol. .

Mechanisms for predicting conflict situations & # 39; & # 39 ;, – citation is provided.

Thus, four armored vehicles MaxxPro and Oshkosh M-ATV with American flags were moving west along the highway. direction without prior notice to the Russian side. This contradicted current territorial control agreements.

The Armed Forces of the RF blocked the road and forced the convoy to turn around and return to their area.

Rusvesna; he also claims that the United States “continues to lose influence in the northeastern regions of Syria.” It is suggested that this is due to the “ growth of anti-American sentiment“ and also to the number of locals who support official Damascus.

“ The situation is forcing Washington to intensify its activities … in violation of all agreements with Russia, & # 39; & # 39; stated in the publication.


American arrested for threats to kill Biden

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

In the US, living in Oklahoma, he was detained for on charges of sending messages threatening to crack down on President Joe Biden, members of Congress and their families. This was reported to the press by the US Department of Justice.

It turned out that this threat is 58-year-old John Arens. From May to June 2021 he sent news to the regional television station KOTV (Newson6). He said in letters that he was ready to kill the president, congressmen and their relatives if he was not paid compensation.

A report on the U.S. Department of Justice's website states that threats to online officials also have implications. The arrest and indictment are also only the beginning of Ahrens' further trial for his actions.


Zelensky named the date of his visit to Berlin

Photos from the website of the President of Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy wrote on Twitter that he would go to Berlin on July 12 to discuss current security issues and cooperation between Ukraine and Germany.

It was previously announced that German Chancellor Angela Merkel had invited Zelenský to visit Berlin.


The governor of Tokyo goes to the hospital a month before the Olympics

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, who recently announced plans to continue due to the recast was hospitalized according to the local Kyodo agency. The reasons why Koike ended up in the hospital were not disclosed.

Vice Governor Mitsuka Tarao will serve as governor at least until the end of the week.

Tokyo is due a month to go through the Olympic Games. Some residents have criticized such an event in connection with the pandemic, but urban and rural authorities and the organizers of the competition insist that these games be as safe as possible.


A British historian said what happened to Stalin after the German attack

Photo: Still from video

British Anthony Beevor , who specializes in the history of the Great Patriotic War, gave an interview for the Polish edition of Gazeta Wyborcza, in which he explained the behavior of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin after the German attack on June 22, 1941. According to him, Stalin considered himself omnipotent but was a pragmatist.

“At first he was convinced that Hitler's attack on the USSR would be insane, because especially the Germans would lose supplies of key raw materials,” Beevor said. At the same time, Stalin was a very distrustful man and did not seriously consider intelligence reports about the empire's preparation for war.

After the attack, Stalin did not believe for some time that Hitler had betrayed him. “It wasn't until he arrived at headquarters that Zhukov and the other generals showed him on maps what the situation was at the front.” Stalin realized the extent of the catastrophe, he was morally broken, “said Beevor. Stalin began to consider the possibility that the USSR could be seriously defeated. As a result, he switched to the strategy previously demonstrated by Chiang Kai-shek, who retreated inland in an ode to war with Japan. Neither the Germans nor the Japanese could take control of large areas of the USSR and China, and repression became guerrilla warfare.

In addition, over time, Stalin began to become an increasingly agile commander than Hitler, who made mistake after mistake. Unlike the Fuhrer, he also listened to his generals. However, Stalin is still responsible for the failure of the beginning of the war and for the consequences of the “no step back” order, which was very “pathetic.” The war continued. From a moral point of view, however, the Battle of Stalingrad proved to be crucial. “The price the Third Reich paid in Stalingrad was huge: from November 1942 to the end of January 1943, the Germans and their allies lost half a million people there,” Beevor said.


The Kremlin comments on rumors of a “chip implantation” program in the brain

Photo: Mikhail Verny

Russian President's spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to a question from journalists about the existence of a program for “chip implantation” in the human brain.

“No, you know, I don't have such data, so I can't confirm or refute it,” Peskov said. and added that he had not seen a document approved by the president.

Kommersant previously published an article on the creation of a working group under the Ministry of Education and Science, which is developing a federal program “Brain, Health, Intelligence, Innovation”. Among other things, the program focuses on the development of technologies for connecting the human brain with electronic devices and enables the implantation of microcomputers into the brain.


Aksenov demanded the vaccination of 100% of workers in the service sector in the Crimea


Crimean leader Sergei Aksyonov signed a decree to prevent the spread of a coronavirus pandemic in the republic.

The text of the decree recommends the leaders of the Crimean service companies to 100% vaccinate their employees against coronavirus. The measures apply to all enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form, as well as to individual entrepreneurs.

At the same time, the recommendations do not apply to those who cannot currently be vaccinated for health reasons. .
