Chinese ships entered the territorial waters of Japan outside the disputed islands

Photo: Still from the video

Four Chinese patrol boats entered the territory Japan's waters off the disputed Senkaku Islands and were there, according to Kyodo, for about 4 hours. In China, these islands are called Diaoyus Islands.

Chinese vessels have tried to approach Japanese fishing boats. It should be noted that this is the 26th violation of the maritime border by the Chinese side in this area since the beginning of the year. An automatic cannon was spotted on one of the ships.

The Senkaku Islands became Japanese in 1895. Before that, they belonged to China. After the war, the islands were controlled by the United States, and in 1972 they were transported to Japan. According to the Japanese side, the Chinese began to claim the islands after learning that there were mineral deposits in their water area.


“I'm overwhelmed with anger!”: Zapashny appealed to the authorities after “Scarlet Sails”

Photo: Social Networks

Circus artist and TV presenter Edgard Zapashny seriously criticized, which took place at the festival of graduates in St. Petersburg “Scarlet Sails”. It should be recalled that thousands of young people had gathered there the day before against a ban on holding mass events to admire the passage of the Rossiya Brig under scarlet sails. A mass concert with the participation of a number of stars was also held in the city center.

As can be seen in the photos and videos published on the network, the participants of the event were without masks and did not observe social distance. Zapashny stressed that he was impressed by such an honest example of double standards. “I am literally overwhelmed with anger!” – Zapashny began an appeal to the Russian authorities.

Photo: Still from the video

The artist recalled the recent disease records and new restrictions introduced by the authorities. “This is your handiwork – what happened in St. Petersburg tonight!” He wrote. Zapashny reminded that Russians now have to use QR codes only for food, playgrounds are closed, restaurants do not work at night. Zapashny pointed out that officials by any means are trying to get people vaccinated and immediately organize festivals with multiple audiences using budget money.

“You just make fun of common sense and provoke people to hate you! This is impossible, “Zapashny added.

It is worth noting that some Russian artists, especially Vitaly Gogunsky, Oscar Kuchera, Ruslan Alekhno, illusionist Sergei Safronov, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, criticized the authorities under this record … “Evil is not enough!” They want to stage a coup with such actions! “Kuchera remarked.


Peskov responded to rumors of discrimination against unusual employees in the Kremlin


Russian President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov has denied rumors that the Kremlin has decided to take some action against administrative staff who will not be vaccinated or revaccinated.

In particular, the Octagon portal, citing sources, said that such staff from the presidential administration or the government office would not be appointed to senior positions.

“That is not true,” replied Dmitry Peskov.


Sobyanin reported an explosive coronavirus to Putin without optimistic predictions

“In Moscow, about 90% of all coronavirus patients have a new infection mutation”

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Wednesday afternoon at a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of the government, that the coronavirus situation in the capital had been calm for five months, but now it had become explosive.


According to the mayor of the capital, the maximum number of cases was detected in Moscow in the last week – & nbsp; 53 thousand people. At the same time, 12,000 of them were hospitalized.

Sobyanin stressed that now in Moscow about 90% of all coronavirus patients have a new infection mutation. He noted that this new strain has more aggressive properties, requires twice as much immunity as the Wuhan strain, and many of them were defenseless against this aggressive infection.

The mayor of Moscow noted that the city's health system is working at almost full capacity, but he manages it. Citizens have everything they need. At the same time, Sobyanin warned that the system's capabilities were not unlimited, although supplies were increased.

He also ensured that supplies of vaccines to Moscow were sufficient. The mayor agreed that measures to restrict restaurant visits were harsh and unpopular, and explained that it was better than closing the industry.

“In the near future, the situation with coronaviruses will be difficult, there is no need to make optimistic predictions,” Sobyanin said during a meeting of the Russian president with members of the government.

The Moscow mayor noted that city authorities will take measures on coronaviruses based on a situation that will ensure the health of Muscovites and the work of the economy.

In response, Putin has promised to continue immediate discussions with Sobyanin measures to reduce the risk of covid infection for the capital's residents.


“We must defeat Russia!”: The Japanese called for the return of the Kuril Islands after the Black Sea incident

Photo: Still from the video

Japanese readers of Sankei Shimbun commented on the material about the incident with the British destroyer Defender, which entered the territorial waters of Russia in the Black Sea and was forced to retreat after warning firing and bombing. Many Japanese have noticed that the British will worsen the situation and Tokyo has a chance to return the Kuril Islands.

“All that remains is to pray for the British, our longtime allies, who helped us win the Russo-Japanese War. Now perhaps they will help with the return of the northern territories! “- writes one of the users. His countrymen agree with him. “Good work, the British!”, “The British warn us again – we must defeat Russia, as in the Russo-Japanese War!”, “Japan, like the British around Crimea, must constantly sail around the northern islands with its warships! Let Russia be nervous! “- write to the Japanese.

Some even think that “one decisive blow” is needed to “disintegrate” Russia. But some say it is necessary to look at what is happening sensibly – the British retreated quickly after their provocation and it is dangerous to irritate the Russians. Moreover, the likelihood of a global war cannot be ruled out because of these acts. It is worth noting that the Black Sea incident has caused a militaristic mood among the British themselves, but many of them, the people of Foggy Albion, wonder why their fleet is so far from their homeland and whose interests are watching over the Russian coast, a problem migration flow across the English Channel has not yet been resolved.


“Half-dead drunks”: British talk about Russians after destroyer incident

Photo: Still from video

Readers of the Daily Mail continue to discuss an incident in the Black Sea, where the Russian army opened a warning fire in violation of the British destroyer Defender; Russian border off the coast of Crimea. Some recall the days when the West helped Russia with humanitarian aid and recommended sending the Russians back to the queue for food.

One of the readers writes that it is not Russian waters, but Ukrainian, because the West did not recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Another states that the British should not allow the Americans to get involved in the conflict, and emphasizes that “ senil in the White House“ should provoke Russia itself.

“The problem with the destroyer can be easily solved. An embargo must be imposed on Russia. Let them stand in the line & nbsp; in bread. That's the only way to stop this odor, & # 39; & # 39; suggests another participant & nbsp;

It is curious that some Russians from Magadan joined the discussion. He wrote in English that Russians now live better than ever before in history, and in Britain about 30,000 people die every winter who do not have enough money for expensive heating.

“ Russia has illegally invaded Crimea, so the Russians do not have & nbsp; the right to complain about & nbsp; the presence of alien ships in & nbsp; Crimean waters, – says another user.

& quot; Our real enemy & nbsp; & mdash; China, and & nbsp; he goes on. So we need to & nbsp; unite with & nbsp; Russian and & nbsp; no & nbsp; push them & nbsp; to & nbsp; hugs of China, “another reader replies.

“Russia is killing people on British streets. That in itself makes them & nbsp; our enemies, & # 39; & # 39; one of those who joined the conversation disagreed.

“ If you do without real shots, it's just bravado, so Putin is showing off his“, I'm sure he's one of the critics. Another added that half of the weapons in Russian parades are said to be mannequins and half the army – & mdash; “Half-dead drunks”.


Kuzkin's mother was shown to the West at a security conference in Moscow

Russia's military department strengthens relations with strategic partners.

God do not allow you to live in an era of change, said one of the wise men. We don't all seem lucky. We are at the turn of the day and it is not known how it will all end. And all this is due to the fact that the exclusive power of the United States in the world is falling apart at the seams, everything is moving towards multipolarity. How can we ensure the peaceful coexistence of many centers of power? Participants IX. The Moscow Conference on International Security was puzzled by this, which even the covid did not prevent in 2021.

Photo: Ministry of Defense Press Service

Even when NATO countries again unanimously ignored the Moscow Security Forum and refused to participate, it was clear that there would be no passionate discussions and disputes on the Moscow platform. Because he had no one to argue with. High-ranking military officials from foreign countries who came to Moscow, as well as those who took part in the online discussion on security and strategic stability issues, were unanimous in their threat assessments and from whom they came.

Of course, it would be very interesting to watch the reaction of the representatives of the Pentagon or NATO command, if they were among the participants in the conference, in the hall of the speech of, for example, the Minister of Defense of the People's Republic of China Wei Fenghe. Although he spoke of the United States in a third person without naming it directly, he was very disrespectful and menacing. Including Taiwan, which the Chinese People's Liberation Army “will never let go.”

And there have been many more similar allegations against the United States and NATO. For example, from a high-ranking Iranian soldier who spoke online, or from Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin, who accused Washington of hostility.

The conference was traditionally opened by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He set the tone for the issues at stake. He identified a new trend as a priority – the formation of global coalitions, the division of the world into “us” and “enemies”. Another recent trend, as Shoigu noted, is aggressive economic pressure as a means of forcing changes in the policies of sovereign states.

Given the composition of the conference participants, Shoigu paid special attention to the situation in the Asia-Pacific region. “As in Europe, advanced, highly prepared groups are being formed here and groups of strike aircraft carriers are being deployed.” In addition to states in the region, Alliance ships are increasingly participating in naval exercises, which increases the risk of incidents during military activities, “the minister said.

At the same time, he said, the situation in the APR is exacerbated by the presence of territorial disputes, as well as US plans to deploy missile defense systems in the region along with strike weapons, as well as medium and shorter-range missiles.

Among the strategic Shoig named Russian partners China, India, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia. According to him, the dialogue has spread to Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei. A solid society, given the huge potential of these fast-growing countries, which are home to more than half the world's population.

Shoigu also assessed the situation in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of most US troops from there. He did not rule out a resumption of civil war in the country, noting that a solution to the regional problem was impossible without the participation of neighboring countries, including Pakistan and Iran.

Among the key issues of international security, Shoigu named the strengthening of the terrorist threat in Africa, including Mali, the Central African Republic and Mozambique. According to him, Russia is ready for mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the black continent and with most countries in Latin America.

As for the situation in Europe, according to Shogu, “the tendency to strengthen military confrontation”. NATO is building a number of highly prepared groupings and paving the way for the operational transfer of troops to the borders of Russia and Belarus.

The alliance is changing from a regional to a global military-political alliance, whose main task is to control Russia and China, Shoigu concluded. The military confrontation in Europe over NATO policy “is consolidated for one year,” he said.

Shoigu criticized NATO's military activity near the Russian border, which, among other things, provokes the Kiev authorities to vigorously resolve the Donbass problem.

After clearly identifying the problems, Shoigu did not stop and reaffirmed his readiness to discuss these issues openly and with mutual respect. And he even named possible steps for deescalation. For example, the withdrawal of training areas from the contact line or a moratorium on the deployment of medium- and short-range missiles in Europe.

Shoigu also outlined new topics for discussion that emerged as a result of military-technological progress: hypersound, digitization, and robotics. “Space and cyber orders are being formed as part of the armed forces of a number of countries whose main task is not defense, but the planning and conduct of offensive operations in their respective areas,” Shoigu said.

He ended his speech with good will and remembered the excellent musician and humanist Mstislav Rostropovich, who once told Shoigu that he knew how to stop the war.

“I'll put the orchestra on the front line, stand up and play what makes them stop, fold my arms,” ​​he said. At the time, I had questions about this proposal. Today, however, I understand that he was right. After all, an orchestra is not just a collective of musicians. Above all, it is a team of experts in their field who have come together to solve a common problem. The Moscow conference is attended by real security professionals – an orchestra whose goal is to find ways to escalate and ultimately prevent armed conflicts in any part of the world, “Sergei Shoigu addressed the participants of the Moscow Forum.

There is no doubt that the orchestra of experts gathered in Moscow will play as it should at the invitation of the Russian Ministry of Defense. We can only hope that his harmonious remarks will be heard and appreciated by Western listeners.

Russian Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov has identified several key issues of strategic stability. The General Staff is called the brain of the army. Not so long ago, General Gerasimov, as part of the Russian delegation, attended the work of the Russian-American summit in Geneva.

Gerasimov explained why it was possible to extend the START-3 agreement. “The Russian Federation and the United States have shown the same desire to extend it.” Both states are interested in the predictability of the development of the other party's nuclear forces, “said the general.

However, we must think about future agreements, believes the Chief of General Staff. Gerasimov explained why a dialogue on the future nuclear weapons control mechanism is necessary: ​​new factors have emerged that determine strategic stability. It is about creating high-precision, hypersonic and kinetic weapons, strike drones. According to the Chief of General Staff, all these weapons “blur the boundaries between the potential of nuclear and non-nuclear weapons.”

The military leader emphasized: our country's nuclear policy is purely defensive. The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, as well as aggression against Russia using conventional weapons if the very existence of the state is threatened, the Chief of General Staff confirmed.

What worries the Russian General Staff? Above all, it is about the progress of NATO infrastructure to the borders of Russia, the deployment of advanced formations on the territory of new members of the alliance. Units of NATO countries that have come from afar are permanently in Eastern Europe. And there are up to 10,000 such people. And the number of troops in the same Poland will grow.

Another threat to us comes from US missile defense equipment in Europe. For the use of naval missiles “Tomahok” with a range of up to 2400 km can universal launchers Mk-41 anti-missile systems Aegis Ashor deployed in Romania and in the future also in Poland. be used.

The General Staff notes the increased activity of NATO naval forces near the border with Russia, including in the Black and Baltic Seas. In addition, NATO members are about to provoke, which may end, no one knows how. Thus, on October 13, 2020, the British Navy's URO “Dragon” destroyer, which made a crossing with radar stations for weapons control and detection of air targets turned on for radiation, violated the right to innocent passage through the Russian Federation 22 km west of Sevastopol. A month later, US Navy destroyer John McCain distinguished himself. He broke the state border of the Russian Federation in the northwestern part of the Sea of ​​Japan during access to Peter the Great Bay 93 km south of Vladivostok and deepened more than 2 km into the Russian territorial sea.

“This creates the preconditions for incidents that do not help reduce tensions in the military field,” Gerasimov warned.

Another area that he says the Western country is looking at is the Russian Arctic. “The shortest maritime road between Europe and Asia is located in the Russian Arctic – North Sea.” The Russian Federation has everything it needs to ensure the safety of navigation in difficult ice conditions, as well as to protect the Arctic ecosystem, “Gerasimov made it clear to alien lovers.

As for the formation of a multipolar world, the Chief of General Staff was not diplomatic and put everything on the shelves: “The situation in the world clearly shows that the period of exclusive domination of individual states has passed. The number of states with significant military economic potential is increasing, without which it is now impossible to solve regional and world problems. These include Brazil, India, China, Russia, the United States, European Union countries and other states that are centers of power on a global and regional scale. Their number will only increase. “

Washington's egocentrism was” under pressure “by comparing the” hegemon “to the BRIC countries.

However, Gerasimov also did not slam the door on his Western partners … According to him, “it is in our common interest to continue working on a peaceful political and diplomatic settlement of regional conflicts and crises to ensure strategic stability.”

Chief of General Staff he advised candidates for world domination “to show political will, wisdom and foresight.”

For seven years, NATO has avoided military contacts with Russia. But a holy place is never empty. As the Moscow Security Conference has shown again, Russia has someone to be friends with and discuss strategic stability.

By the way, the Russian military department actively used the conference time to negotiate with the military leaders of a number of countries. For example, with Azhira, Myanmar, Venezuela, Mexico, Serbia and other countries.

A characteristic touch of the atmosphere of these talks: during a meeting with Myanmar's Supreme Commander Min Aung Hline, Russia's defense, Minister Sergei Shoigu gave a greeting in Burmese, which is considered one of the most difficult in the world.

If there is mutual respect, there are no barriers, let alone a language barrier. Hopefully this simple truth will soon reach our Western partners.


An incident with the guards occurred during a meeting between Zelenský and Zurabishvili

Ukraine is trying to decipher another political symbol

And once again about symbolism. During the official ceremony of the meeting with the Presidents of Ukraine and Georgia in Kiev, a soldier of the honor guard threw a scabbard from a saber that hung on his side on the ground. He bent down quickly, practically bowed to the two presidents and lifted the fallen part off the ground. Vladimir Zelensky just smiled. But the rest remains.


Everyone remembers how during the inauguration of Petro Porošenko, an honor guard soldier threw a weapon from his hands and almost fell at the feet of the new president. Lovers of “secret signs” associated with the subsequent failure of Ukrainian troops in the Donbas and numerous losses in “ boilers“. They also recalled how, during Yanukovych's inauguration at the entrance to the hall, he was almost thrown back by the massive front door: so they took him out of the presidency without waiting for the end of his term. And in May 2010, during a joint & nbsp; with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at a funeral service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Kiev, a funeral wreath fell on Yanukovych's head. And it so happened that with the departure of Viktor Fedorovich, all the joint events of the Russian Federation and Ukraine were “ covered with a funeral wreath“. So don't believe in the sign anymore …

What can mean the current loss of the saber scabbard that interrupted the army's ceremonial message to two presidents & mdash; Vladimir Zelensky and Salome Zurabishvili. As you know, the meeting between the two presidents discussed the issues of vaccination, the facilitation of border crossings and the return of citizens of both countries, who are in custody in Georgia or Ukraine, to their homeland. This means that there was no talk of a joint military exercise. Except that both countries are seeking NATO. And as you know, they both made it clear that & nbsp; until he has to wait for alliance membership …


The US and Germany negotiated assistance to the Ukrainian energy sector


Washington and Berlin discuss delivery options assistance to Ukraine following the launch of the Nord Stream 2 project. Bloomberg reported, citing its sources. According to the Agency's staff, the assistance is to be provided by supporting the energy sector.

In particular, Germany and the United States can invest in the construction of new power plants and the creation of large-scale infrastructure. Germany even offered to start negotiations with Russia on the transit of Russian gas to Ukraine.

Another possibility that the USA insists on is to limit the use of Nord Stream 2 in the event that Russia tries to put pressure on Ukraine … Officials of the Federal Republic of Germany are against this business. Because they don't want to use the pipeline for political purposes.

Bloomberg journalists write that the main provisions of these agreements can be agreed upon by the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the United States, which is scheduled for July. The consultations are attended by the foreign ministries of both countries, an adviser to German Chancellor Jan Hecker and US President's Assistant President Joe Biden Jake Sullivan.


Parliament said that Zelenský wanted to transfer part of Ukraine to Russia


Vladimír Zelenský v the desire to give part of the country to neighboring states. Deputies from the Opposition Platform – for Life group reacted to Zelenský's statement about the possible construction of a wall on the border with Donbas.

MEPs are sure that the whole problem is that Zelensky's team cannot negotiate. Therefore, it cannot fulfill its obligations to voters.

First, the wall on the border with Donbass, and then the wall on the border with Crimea, say MEPs. So you can gradually distribute the country. At the same time involving citizens who are tired of war in the process.

Earlier, Zelensky admitted a scenario according to which, in the event of the failure of the negotiations on the Donbas, the wall would have to be built on the border with the self-proclaimed republics. However, according to the Ukrainian leader, all citizens should decide on this issue in a referendum.
