Putin ordered the vaccination of migrant workers coming to Russia

Photo: Kremlin.ru.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government to report by June 30 on measures to provide vaccinations for foreigners in Russia in a paid manner.

At the same time, the Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to organize free vaccinations for foreigners until 15 July and stateless persons arriving in Russia for work. At the same time, the government must identify sources of funding.

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Satanovsky said how Russia should act on the eve of a possible war with the West

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Russian political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky stated in his telegram – a channel that the latest events in the world may indicate the desire of the West to provoke hostility with Russia.

The expert noted that the sanctions of the West did not bring the expected result, and therefore it was necessary to move to more active action. First is a notable incident with the British destroyer Defender. Satansky believes that this provocation was prepared for Russia to test its strength. & # 39; & # 39; Western countries calling for the expulsion of Russian diplomats as a sign of solidarity. This has led to even greater tensions between Russia and the West.

“How long can you really tolerate them? So it looks like there's actually a war on my nose. And then it will have to be won anyway, & # 39; & # 39; Satanovsky said, adding that now is the time to “ scare off Russia's opponents & # 39; & # 39 ;.

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NI simulates a battle between Su-35s against American F-35s

Photo: Still from the video

The National Magazine Interest published material in which he tried to analyze the hypothetical battle between Russian and American fighters – Su-35 and F-35, F-15 and F-16. “Who will win?” The analyst asks.

The article states that the Russian Su-35 fighter made a splash in the Western military media. The author writes that Russia is now making great efforts to modernize its military equipment, and the Su-35 is a good example.

“How will the four F-35 behave when faced with four Su-35s? changes direction and names F-22 (Raptor) and F-15C ', – notes the author, explaining that this is the last aircraft designed to establish and maintain air superiority.

At the same time, however, in the conditions of real combat operations, it is not always possible to choose the optimal solution. He may have to handle the F-35 himself.

In this case, the analyst advises F-35 pilots, using the secrecy of their aircraft and on-board detection devices, to fight out of sight and avoid closer contact. Otherwise, the F-35 will become vulnerable to the Su-35.

The fact is that the Raptor was originally designed for air combat and the F-35 was not designed for that.

The author emphasizes that the F-35 does not have the maneuverability of the Raptor – and not even the F-16 or F/A-18, and when meeting the Su-35 only the superiority of the pilot can save the aircraft.

However, the US has several Raptors and the F-15C is shrinking. In a real war, commanders will have to use an F-35 to gain air superiority.

The article states that the Su-35 fighter was bought by Indonesia, Russia is going to deliver these aircraft to China as well, and this is a “really dangerous combat vehicle”, which in many respects is not worse than the latest version of the F- 15 or even surpasses them.

If the Su-35 loses a bit to the maximum speed of the F-15, then it overcomes the acceleration and at low load, the aircraft is able to maintain supersonic speed without resorting to the use of additional combustion.

At low speeds, the Su-35 has an unbeatable advantage. It has a thrust vector controllable in three dimensions and incredible maneuverability.

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Lukashenko seeks influence on the EU: it threatens migrants and drugs

So far, only Lithuania is suffering

Belarus is getting closer and closer to Europe. In a speech at Brest Memorial Day, President Alexander Lukashenko threatened neighboring countries to stop defending illegal migrants. Lithuania has already started talking about the influx of Iraqis into the country and is asking the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to facilitate the return of its citizens.

Photo: president.gov.by.

A ceremony was held in the Brest Fortress to mark the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In his speech, Lukashenko announced the end of interaction with the EU in the areas of migration, drug trafficking and trade in nuclear materials. According to him, “ thousands and thousands“ have already rushed to Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. illegal migrants entering these countries via Belarus. In addition, drugs are smuggled and trafficked into the EU in the same way. “Have you started a hybrid war against us and are demanding that we defend you as before?” & mdash; & nbsp; Lukashenko said.

This is not the first statement by this type of Belarusian president after the forced landing of a Ryanair plane, which Western countries considered state terrorism. And Minsk does not seem to stop at threats.

Migrants arrive in Belarus by plane. Now Minsk maintains direct flights with Baghdad and Istanbul. In addition, the number of flights from Iraq has increased since May. The Boeing 737-800 of the Baghdad carrier arrives at the Belarusian airport on Monday and Thursday. It is designed for 189 seats. And on Mondays and Fridays, Iraqi Airways operates a Boeing 747-400 with seats from 320 to 526 people, depending on the ship's configuration. & Nbsp; Citizens of Pakistan and Afghanistan can also transit from Turkey to Belarus. And after landing in Minsk, they go on & mdash; & nbsp; to Europe.

On June 2, Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite said that the number of illegal migrants from Belarus in the country had risen sharply. According to her, 189 illegal migrants have entered the country since the beginning of the year, which is twice as many as last year. And on June 17, the situation worsened & ndash; in two weeks, another 204 migrants, most of them Iraqis, have crossed the state border from Belarus. Laurinas Kasciunas, head of the National Security and Defense Committee of the Lithuanian Seim, said it was a targeted blow to Lithuania because there were zero in the column on illegal migration in Latvia and far fewer migrants asking for Poland than for Lithuania. & # 39; & # 39;

According to the Belarusian political scientist Valery Karbalevich, Lithuania may suffer more in this situation than other Baltic countries, because the state borders were hurried here. “ For example, the Polish border & ndash; it is a former border with the USSR. Everything there is more seriously equipped and it is harder to overcome. In Lithuania, the border could be created in a hurry. The political factor here may also play revenge on Lithuania for its unequivocal stance on the Ryanair incident, & # 39; & # 39; said the expert.

However, the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior states that the situation at the borders is under control. To solve the problem, they intend to involve the army and strengthen the surveillance system at the state border. “Compared to what the EU experienced a few years ago, when thousands of migrants crossed the sea, what is happening is now happening.” Land borders, unlike sea borders, are easier to control, there are wires and other attributes everywhere. Therefore, the problem here is rather psychological. This is such a small inconvenience for Lithuania, marijuana and ecstasy, “Karbalevich is sure.” However, the traffic is controlled by both parties, and if Belarus refuses to meet its obligations, the burden on neighboring countries will increase.

According to former Belarusian presidential candidate Andrei Dmitriev, such statements by Lukashenko are very dangerous neither for EU countries nor for Minsk itself: it is becoming NATO, which will lead to an increase in NATO spending in the eastern territory. Secondly, this will also become a Polish argument in a conversation with the United States, which has been trying for several years to achieve the deployment of a US military base on its territory. Thirdly, the EU will demand much larger amounts to strengthen the border, & # 39; & # 39; said Dmitriev.

He is sure that Russia can be drawn into this story in the end. Because if Minsk cannot control the situation, the Kremlin will be asked to do so. “I think it's very dangerous.” We need to show that we control borders and are a reliable partner that fulfills its responsibilities regardless of political differences, “he concluded.

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“Alas”: Pushkov assessed the chances of closing the cases against Assange in the United States

Photo: Wikipedia

Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov said in his telegram – channel that the confession of a key witness in the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on perjury will not affect his prosecution in the United States.

According to him, the United States will not appeal against a journalist under any circumstances.

“End of the Assange case? Because of such a trifle as the rejection of a key witness from his testimony? The USA will never drop a case against Assange, “the senator wrote.

Pushkov named the example of the murder of African-American George Floyd. The politician noted that there was evidence and expertise that showed that the deceased was under the influence of drugs at the time of death. The senator also added that the USA “imprisoned an innocent police officer for 22 years because this verdict was dictated by politics,” Alexey Pushkov summed up.

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Trump believes that Russia, China and Iran are humiliating the United States under Biden's rule

Photo: social networks

Russia, China and Iran will humiliate the US and US leader Joe Biden is destroying the country, former US President Donald Trump said at his first demonstration after leaving the White House.

According to him, in five months Joe Biden's administration has turned into a “complete catastrophe.”

“Crime is growing, murder is growing, foreigners are crossing borders. No one has seen anything like it. China, Russia and Iran are humiliating our country. Joe Biden is destroying our country, “said the 45th US President. At the same time, Trump did not specify what he meant by humiliating the United States.

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Military expert evaluates Black Sea incident with destroyer: “Typically British provocation”

The Russian and British armies disagreed in assessing the conflict.

The British Navy destroyer Defender carried out a provocation in violation of Russia's territorial waters off the coast of Crimea. The time did not seem to be chosen by chance. In the near future, NATO's largest “Defender of Europe” exercises and “Sea Breeze” maneuvers in the Black Sea will begin. The destroyer incident strengthens the Alliance's anti-Russian focus exercises.

Photo: Royal Navy.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which was alerted by the British attaché, the dangerous actions of the British Navy destroyer in the Black Sea are a gross violation of the UN Convention of 1982. future incidents. The destroyer “Defender” entered the territorial sea near Cape Fiolent and deepened three kilometers. “

According to the Russian army, the crew of the destroyer was” warned in advance about the possible use of weapons in the event of continued illegal presence in the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. “

carried out a warning bombing during a British destroyer.

The British Ministry of Defense significantly stated that no one fired on the destroyer D36 Defender and walked on its own in the Ukrainian territorial waters.

According to the online service AIS MarineTraffic, there are a number of telegram channels. that the British destroyer HMS Defender and the Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen, who were in Ukraine, have already tried to hide their real location.

As for the violation of the destroyer border on June 23, then, according to the service, it was ten nautical miles off the coast of Crimea (territorial waters – 12 nautical miles from the coast), which is about 18.5 km. This means that the ship sank into the territorial waters of Russia by 3–3.7 km.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reacted quickly to the incident. He saw aggression in Russia's warning and raised the issue of close cooperation with NATO.

In assessing the incident, military expert 1st Captain Vasily Dandykin MK said that the incident clearly shows the provocation of Great Britain, which has been very active in the region recently. The United Kingdom is building mysterious objects in Ukraine, lending to Kiev to buy its boats and passing two second-hand minesweepers.

Dandykin did not rule out that another provocation had been agreed with Kiev, which he believes Crimea on its territory.

– If we announce to the whole world that Crimea has become part of Russia, then this issue will not be the subject of debate. These are our inner waters, our borders, and therefore negotiation is not appropriate here.

In general, I think this is a typical English provocation. They are experienced in this field. “English bullshit” – it was no coincidence that they had said that in past centuries.

Well, our Black Sea Fleet, as it should be, has shown that any breach of the border will be suppressed in the most decisive way.

In my opinion, the British are professionals, despite their dilapidated fleet. They took it all and left. Because four 250-kilogram bombs are no joke. He thinks about it next time before he leaves.

The Black Sea Fleet has shown that it has control over the situation in the region. Our exercises are now beginning in response to the NATO Sea Breeze naval exercise. NATO's exercises begin quite scandalously. They will therefore be monitored very closely. The borders of the state are sacred, untouchable.

As for the British, they are not randomly chosen for the role of provocateurs, due to their impudence, a colonial experience that has accumulated over the centuries. But it's time to get rid of it all.

The Ministry of Defense has published a video of the Defender destroyer in the Crimea

Watch this video topic

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Kadyrov agreed to run for a new term

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Chechen leader Ramzana Kadyrov agreed to run for a new term. He was previously nominated by the regional branch of United Russia. However, according to Kadyrov himself, the decisive factor was the dismissal of delegates of the World Congress of Peoples of the Chechen Republic.

The politician said that he would not waste time and money on the election campaign. He believes that it is better to spend energy on work in order to improve the well-being of the population of the republic.

Kadyrov has been at the head of Chechnya for 14 years. He is now 44 years old. He is the only Russian politician to achieve a record number of votes in direct elections. Five years ago, 97 percent of voters in the republic voted for Kadyrov.

The direct elections of the head of Chechnya and the new composition of the regional parliament are scheduled for a single day of voting on 19 September 2021.

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CDU leader Laschet named the condition for stopping Nord Stream 2

Photo: Still from the video

Leader of the ruling Christian party in the German Democratic Party Union (CDU) and Chancellor-designate Armin Laschet said in an interview with ARD that stopping Nord Stream 2 is possible if the project turns out to be against Ukraine. He emphasized that this had been discussed before.

“If President Putin does not follow this rule and applies it against Ukraine, it is possible to stop at any time, even if the pipeline is ready, because then the basis of the agreement will disappear,” Laschet said. He added that Europe has always sent the right signals and that the project itself is of a purely economic nature.

Laschet said this during a joint interview with Green candidates and SPD chancellors Annalena Berbock and Olaf Scholz. He noted that Russia should ensure the transit of gas through the territory of Ukraine and Germany should cooperate with Kiev in the survey of hydrogen fuel supplies.

Berbock made a tougher statement, saying that Nord Stream 2 was aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine and should not be completed. The pipeline is not a purely economic project, said politician Lashet. The Green Leader recalled that the pipeline must obtain another permit under the EU Gas Directive that its operator cannot own the pipeline. This is a chance to block the completion of the construction of Nord Stream 2.

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Satanovsky predicted another NATO provocation off the Russian coast

Photo: Social Networks

NATO may carry out a different provocation, but this time off the coast of the Kuril Islands, not in the Crimea, said Vesti FM political scientist Yevgeny Satansky. NATO provoked with the help of the British destroyer Defender and now the alliance will try to do the same, but from a different wing.

The Kuril Islands are not as interesting to the West as Crimea, but they are a painful place for Japan, a major ally of the United States in East Asia. In addition, Japan, unlike Ukraine, has a large modern fleet. “And it has more than enough of its own fleet, modern, unlike Ukraine, to navigate the Kuril Islands,” the expert noted.

The expert recommended strengthening the defense of the Kurils and Sakhalins and responding strongly to NATO's provocations.

Recall that the British destroyer Defender entered the territorial waters of Russia for three kilometers, a Russian patrol boat and plane responded. As a result, the destroyer withdrew, but the Ministry of Defense and the United Kingdom Embassy denied the fact of the warning shooting. At the same time, a BBC journalist who was on the destroyer proved otherwise.

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