Mishustin extended simplified drug labeling to 2022

Photo: Natalia Muschinkina

Simplified drug labeling procedure preparations extended until February 1, 2022. The press service of the Russian government informed about it.

The corresponding decree was signed on 1 July by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The government's press service said the simplified procedure for labeling and tracing drugs was extended to seven months.

The government cites the difficult epidemiological situation as the reason for such a decision, which contributes to the increased demand for medicines.

Recipients of shipments of medicinal products should not have problems with errors or delays caused by suppliers. The simplified labeling procedure avoids these incidents and increases the speed of supply of medicines to pharmacies and their sale to the public.

From 1 July 2021, the simplified procedure for labeling medicines will no longer apply. to imported drugs.

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Sohu: The American pilot was “thrown into a cold sweat” due to the Su-30SM maneuver

Photo: Photos from the video of the recent meeting with the Russian Air Force Su-30SM forces in the sky over the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, according to the Chinese portal Sohu. It should be noted that the American reconnaissance aircraft RC-135 was approaching the Russian border and flew to them a Russian fighter, which performed several maneuvers, thus indicating the undesirable presence of Americans in the area.

“The Americans were very scared and the pilot of the reconnaissance plane was thrown into a cold sweat,” the publication said. Then the American plane turned and flew to its base.

It should be noted that the American pilot may have been frightened by a trick called the “air scalpel”, which was once used by a Soviet plane over the Barents Sea in the late 1980s. It consists in the maximum approach and contact of the wing of the enemy aircraft. This can cause serious damage to the fuselage of the aircraft receiving the “surgical” incision.

The provocation of the Americans ended in failure, but it cannot be ruled out that it will be repeated, the Chinese are sure. To prevent this, Beijing and Moscow must join forces. “Russia and China must act together to respond as effectively as possible to American provocations,” the article said.

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Tymoshenko reported the loss of 72% of Ukraine's territory

Photo: Social networks

Following the adoption of a law allowing banks with foreign investment own agricultural land in Ukraine 72% of the territory will cease to belong to the Ukrainian state, said during a speech in the Verkhovna Rada a representative of the people and leader of the party Batkivshchyna; Yulia Tymoshenko.

Tymoshenko noted that after the entry into force of the new law on July 1, Ukraine will lose black ground and resources will be ruthlessly used by foreign companies. “ The state is completely excluded from any functions that govern its use, any environmental control is prohibited, “ the politician stressed.

This law deprives farmers of the right to own land and violates the Constitution of Ukraine. “ They are farmers, people who have vegetable gardens, agricultural science. This means that agriculture is generally removed from life, & # 39; & # 39; added Tymoshenko.

It is worth noting that the original version of the law did not provide for the possibility of acquiring Ukrainian agricultural land by foreigners. After that, however, under IMF pressure, the Ukrainian authorities were forced to change some points of the project in order to adopt a new loan program.

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Ilta-Sanomat: The Kremlin began to bust after Putin's words about a successor

Photo: Kremlin.ru

Finnish edition & nbsp; material dedicated to Ilta-Sanomat for “Straight Line” Russian President Vladimir Putin. Finnish journalists described the event itself as “ slow & # 39; & # 39; due to the apparent fatigue of the Russian leader. At the same time, however, they noted that the main point was Putin's unexpected announcement of a successor, after which a “fuss in the Kremlin” began.

The material states that according to the results of the “ direct line“, the impression was that the questions put to the president were carefully selected. Finnish journalists pointed out that the main programs criticized a pensioner who sent a question about coronavirus, and when it was broadcast, he suddenly started talking about a pension reduction.

The authors believe that the careful selection of questions explains why no one asked Alexei Navalny or cases of restrictions on the rights of the opposition and independent media in Russia.

In this regard, the question of Putin's possible successor was very unexpected. This was interpreted as a fact that it was important for Putin to raise such a question and to answer it publicly. The article emphasizes that Putin reacted in such a way that “ behind the backstage of the Kremlin, the confusion definitely began.“

“And of course the time will come, and & nbsp; I hope I can say about the & nbsp; such and such or & nbsp; such and such a person, in my opinion, deserves, in my opinion, to lead such an amazing country as & nbsp; our homeland & nbsp; & mdash; Russia & quot;, & mdash; & nbsp; Putin said in his answer.

What has been discussed as behind-the-scenes rumors in the Kremlin is now officially announced by the President & mdash; & nbsp; he himself will appoint a successor.

According to the Finnish edition, the Kremlin is now wondering who Putin's favorite is and has won his favor to win the highest position in the country. .

& quot; If the Kremlin has not yet & nbsp; s & nbsp; elbow to & nbsp; Putin's favor, then & nbsp; will definitely start now & quot ;, & mdash; & nbsp; summarizes the author of the material.

Putin was asked to transfer power voluntarily: video with response

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Zelensky reacted to Putin about the unity of Russians and Ukrainians

Photo: Still from video

Ukrainians and Russians are not the only people, despite the fact that they have much in common, said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine. During the direct line, Vladimir Putin previously said that Russians and Ukrainians are one people.

“I do not think that the Ukrainian people are hostile. Nothing like that, we don't care, “said the head of state. He added that “it is incomprehensible to the mind” that they refused to recognize the Russians as an indigenous population in Ukraine. Putin is convinced that this will reduce the number of Russians in the country.

“If we were one people, then the hryvnia would probably be circulating in Moscow and the yellow-blue flag would fly over the State Duma,” Zelensky said. He stressed that we are “definitely” not one people. However, the common goal should be to end the war in Donbas and “return” the territory to Ukraine.

“And one more thing – it is impossible to talk about” one people “at the same time and openly seize our territories and continue the Donbass massacre,” Zelenský added.

During the “straight line”, Vladimir Putin was asked why Ukraine was not included in the list of hostile countries announced by the government in May. The president explained that he considered Ukrainians and Russians to be “one whole.” According to him, in relation to Russia are not hostile people, but the current Ukrainian government.

In addition, Putin criticized the Kiev bill on indigenous peoples, where for some unknown reason we will not get the Russians, we call the measures comparable “using some weapon of mass destruction.” According to the President of the Russian Federation, such a decision may lead to the decision of some residents to leave Ukraine, after which the total number of Russians in the country will be significantly reduced.

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Putin expressed solidarity with Belarus by opposing Western sanctions

Photo: Still from the video

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has expressed solidarity with Belarus, which opposes illegitimate Western sanctions. The website of the President of the Russian Federation informed about it.

Putin expressed solidarity during a telephone conversation with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. The conversation was held on the eve of the plenary session of the Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus, which Putin and Lukashenko will attend via video link.

“ Attention was also paid to the issue of continuing “ further“ pressure on sanctions against the republic. The Russian side expressed solidarity with Belarus by opposing unilateral illegitimate restrictions imposed by Western states on & nbsp; violations of standards between & timid; popular law & nbsp; reported on the site.

In Belarus, sectoral sanctions: restrictions on trade in potash fertilizers, petroleum products, tobacco products (applies to contracts concluded after 25 June 2021), as well as a ban on government and state-owned banks accessing the EU financial market. The sanctions were in response to the May incident with the landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk and the arrest of the leader of the Belarusian opposition, Roman Protasevich, who flew this plane.

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“Don't anger the bear”: The British commented on Putin's words about the destruction of their ship

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Readers of the British Daily Mail commented on the words of the Russian president Vladimir Putin on the Defender destroyer incident. Recall that Putin was asked a straight line question.

Recall that Putin then remarked that the world conflict would not occur even if the Russian army flooded a destroyer that illegally attacked the territorial waters of Russia. “ Asked if events with HMS Defender could provoke World War III, Putin replied that the West would not risk a full-scale conflict, “ & mdash; & nbsp; this is how the tabloid interprets Putin's words.

Putin also stressed that the American fighter, which took off from Greece, cooperated with the British destroyer. The United States was also involved in the provocation. Russia understands what it will fight for if it is attacked, but the West & ndash; no, Putin remarked.

Many ordinary Britons, judging by the comments, were flooded with a patriotic wave & ndash; they believe that their fleet still has the power to show Russia's teeth. “Putin must stop thinking he's great and he's not like that,” “and the Royal Navy can sink your ships, too.” I don't think any Western country is more afraid of Russia, “” Don't be stupid, Emperor Putin, sink a British ship and nothing will enter or leave Russia for the foreseeable future, “” some readers threaten.

However, there are British who claim that if you follow morality & ndash; then Crimea should really belong to the Russian Federation, and the whole truth about the conflict with Ukraine is on Russia's side. “ I think he will fulfill his threat if someone stands in his way. So don't make the bear angry. “Well, he's not wrong. Britain must stop being an American poodle. If the American regime wants a war, then leave it alone. “” And he's right. We would do nothing but “sanctions” if the Defender were sunk. “Too bad we don't have a leader like Putin,” “Why are we provoking Russia? I do not see a clear example of how they harm British interests. All this provocation will only increase admiration for Putin at home, readers write & mdash; & nbsp;

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Transbaikalia has decided to revise the budget in order to increase salaries for rescuers

Photo: Dreamstime.com

Head of Trans-Baikal Territory Alexander Osipov ordered to find money to increase the salaries of employees Zabaikalpozhspas. Rescuers previously complained about low incomes to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a direct line.

In particular, firefighters stated that they receive salaries at the level of the minimum wage. Putin has promised to discuss the issue with the head of the region, and on appeal, the Transbaikalia prosecutor's office has launched an inspection. As a result, Osipov said that 250 million rubles salaries should be found. This will require a revision of all budget lines. In total, 1.1 thousand employees of regional fire brigades in the region receive salaries according to the minimum wage.

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Jinping said that anyone who wants to enslave China will “break his head.”

Photo: Dreamstime.com

President of the PRC, Secretary-General Central Committee The Communist Party Si Jinping said that the Chinese people had never oppressed other nations and would not do so. Anyone who tries to enslave China will “break his head,” he said at a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.

“Chinese people are people who stand for justice and are afraid of threats and violence. We have never oppressed, oppressed or enslaved other nations, it has not happened in the past, it is not in the present and it will not be in the future, “remarked Jinping.

Among other things, he emphasized in his politics that the Chinese people will never be oppressed, oppressed or enslaved by external forces. Anyone who wants to do this “breaks their head against a big wall.”

Recall that a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China took place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Thursday.

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Actor Guskov said that Ukraine had turned Crimea into a “pile of garbage”

Photo: Dreamstime.com

Honored and folk artist of Russia Alexey Guskov during the broadcast of the program “Antonyma” he said that when Crimea was part of Ukraine, it looked like a “landfill”.

“I saw this peninsula in Ukraine, this heavenly place turned into a perfect landfill,” said Guskov.

Now, in his opinion, Russia is investing huge funds in the development of this region. He added that he would not give up his words, despite his love for Kiev, where he spent his childhood.

Recall that Crimea became part of Russia seven years ago after the referendum on the peninsula. Ukraine considers Crimea to be its own but temporarily occupied territory.

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