Chubais named the reason why his name would go down in history

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Adviser to the President of Russia on International Affairs of the Anatoly Organization Chubais said why he thought his name would go down in history. According to him, the reason is the reform of the electricity sector.

“The reform was completed thirteen years ago. Numerous critics and prosecutors have disappeared at once, “he told the portal.

According to him, the country continues to be helped by more than 30,000 MW of new capacity and a trillion of private investments.

Chubais said that in the future, Russia would be able to replace hydrocarbon exports with hydrogen exports, which he said Moscow would be able to maintain as a major energy force.


Putin negotiated with the Security Council on the digitization of public administration and national security


Russian President Vladimir During an operational meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council, Putin discussed the role of digitization in public administration and ensuring national security.

According to him, a lot has been done recently towards the digitization of the whole economy and life in general. They now discussed the role of “this area of ​​our interaction for state administration and ensuring Russia's national security.”

Putin added that it also covers aspects related to ensuring defense capabilities and internal security.


Putin declined to respond to the security of the people of Karabakh

Peace in the region does not depend only on Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin could not directly answer the question of whether Moscow will be able to guarantee the security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. According to him, however, the trilateral working group is doing everything possible to ensure that war does not break out in the region again and that normal relations develop between the people of the region.

Artsakh children remember soldiers who died in the war with Azerbaijan. Photo: Artur Avakov

During his direct line, Putin was asked about the fate of Artsakh. Above all, the Russian president decided to emphasize the role played by Moscow at the end of the Second Karabakh War. Secondly, the people of the self-proclaimed republic themselves should be interested in preventing this tragedy from happening again. Thirdly, Putin believes that if Armenians and Azerbaijanis live in peace and friendliness, they will be able to create the conditions for improving people's lives, not only in terms of security, but also in terms of socio-economic. He also stressed that there were still problems with the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Recall that at the end of September 2020, Azerbaijan attacked the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh. The war lasted 44 days, after which the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan signed an armistice with Baku through Russia's mediation. According to the agreement, Artsakh will give up the entire seat belt and, in addition, will lose the Hadrut and Shushi area. The security of the republic and the only way to it through the Lachin corridor is provided by Russian peacekeepers for 5 years (until November 2025).

However, in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, many fear that after this time, peacekeepers will leave and the region will go to the Azerbaijanis. The official Baku adds oil to the fire, which directly declares that the conflict in Karabakh is over, we can not talk about any recognition of Artsakh, etc.

Experts explained to the MK why Putin could not unequivocally answer the security question :

– It is not yet known what will happen in 4.5 years when the mandate of the Russian peacekeeping force in Karabakh ends. Moreover, this understanding is not yet available in Azerbaijan, Armenia or Russia. Artsakh security therefore depends not only on Moscow, but also on Baku and Yerevan.

In particular, the Armenian authorities should make greater efforts to provide more room for maneuver in 4.5 years. For example, we need to work on the problem of the Lachin corridor and the return of refugees to Berdzor. So far, there has been no improvement in this direction. At the same time, it must be emphasized that if Armenia does not show activity, Russia will not do so for it. Moscow plays the role of mediator and peacemaker, but cooperation can be expanded if there is a wish.

– For the time being, Russia is ensuring the security of Karabakh and I hope that it will continue in the future. Fears that Russia will throw everything away and leave in a few years should not be justified. Moscow has taken responsibility, it is not in our habit to leave it. It seems to me that Putin has only confirmed this intention.

At the same time, the situation is difficult. Turkey is actively developing this region, as confirmed by the Shuš Declaration. All this dictates the need for a more serious and vigilant approach to the implementation of the Union Treaty between Armenia and Russia.


The expert appreciated Putin's words about the supervision of Russian territories

Vladimir Klimanov believes that this initiative will increase the Centre's involvement in the regional agenda

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will soon make proposals to oversee the country's deputy prime ministers. President Vladimir Putin said this on Wednesday on the “ direct line“. & nbsp; The Head of the IPEI RANEPA Regional Policy Center, Vladimir Klimanov, answered two key questions that were asked following the proposed initiative & mdash; what dictates the decision and what effect it can have.

“ According to the first article of the constitution, Russia is a federal state. Therefore, along with federal ones, there are also regional government bodies. According to federal principles, there is a vertical delimitation of the powers of government bodies. However, this does not mean that the Federation is not responsible for the development of the territory, the well-being of the citizens living on it.

The decision to oversee a specific territory only by the Deputy Prime Minister of the federal government at first glance does not fit into the logic of federal construction. In fact, it will increase the centre's involvement in the regional agenda, “ Klimanov said.

According to an expert in domestic practice, there is a practice of deconcentration of functions in the system of public administration. The Institute of Plenipotentiaries of the President in Federal Districts has been operating for more than two decades. Many ministries and departments have territorial departments that do not always coincide with the boundaries of one federation entity. For five geostrategically important areas & ndash; Far East, Arctic Zone, North Caucasus Federal District, Crimea and Kaliningrad Region & ndash; state programs of the Russian Federation were adopted.

“ Since 2019, the practice of direct supervision of 10 separate regions lagging behind in their development by federal ministers has been introduced.

Therefore, the appointment of deputy prime ministers is under the supervision of individual territories, not just the Far East and the Arctic Zone, for which Yu.P. Trutnev, will make it possible to more quickly identify the problems of socio-economic development of regions, activate their potential and reduce the risks of crisis situations, & # 39; & # 39; summed up Klimanov.


Representatives of Frontex will guard Lithuania's border with Belarus


On the border of Lithuania and Belarus, the first 6 staff members of the European Border and Coast Protection Agency, Frontex, have appeared, according to the BNS. They will help Lithuanian border guards fight migrants coming to the EU from Belarus.

Since the beginning of 2021, the Lithuanian Border Guard has stopped 672 illegal migrants. That is more than 8 times more than in the whole of 2020. At the same time, there may be about 1.5 thousand refugees in Minsk who want to enter the European Union illegally. In addition, their list is supplemented by those coming from Baghdad and Istanbul.

Security forces will be located at the two border crossings Kapchamestis and Druskininkai. Over time, their number will increase to 30 people.


Riga Mayor Stakis was banned from entering Russia due to an incident with flags


Russia has banned the mayor of Riga from entering Martins Stakis due to an incident with the national flag of the Russian Federation. Maria Zakharova, a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, informed about it.

“If he holds an appropriate position, Stakis should know of a generally accepted norm in a world of respectable attitudes toward state symbols. The mayor of Riga should not engage in political hooliganism, but should consider developing trade and economic ties with Russian regions, as his predecessors did successfully. ” During the Hockey World Championships in 2021, Edgar Rinkevich removed the flags of Russia and Belarus, which were in a square in central Latvia, along with other flags of participating countries. The Russian tricolor was replaced by Russian Olympic Committee symbols on instead of Belarus, a white-red-white flag was hung, used by the opposition


The US has announced that it is ready to begin negotiations with the DPRK


Washington is ready to start negotiations with the DPRK whenever only the corresponding answer from Pyongyang. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ned Price said this.

“We are ready to sit at the negotiating table with the representatives of the DPRK anytime and anywhere,” he said at the briefing.

According to him, the United States allegedly “expects a constructive response” from North Korea.


The families of those who disappeared after the fall of Florida refused to meet with Biden

Twitter photo

According to CNN, some relatives are missing after the fall of a house in Surfside in Florida, she refused to meet with US President Joe Biden, who visited the site of the tragedy on July 1.

then fears that the visit of the head of state will distract the rescuers from work.

Tell Biden to leave as soon as possible, “ said a woman whose search for a husband and son yielded no results.

& nbsp;


The foreign ministry has accused Russia of failing to prevent human trafficking

photo AgnosticPreachersKid

Status The US State Department has published a report called the Report on Trafficking in Human Beings until 2021, in which it accused the Russian authorities of not doing enough to prevent this phenomenon.

As Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken said in the report, this document aims to “ send a strong message to the world that global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and persistent discriminatory policies and practices are disproportionate impact on people who have already been harassed.

“; These problems further exacerbate existing vulnerabilities to exploitation, including trafficking. We must break this inhumane cycle of discrimination and injustice if we hope to one day end trafficking, & # 39; & # 39

At the same time, the document claims that Russia is not making even minimal efforts in this regard. significant efforts in this direction, “ the authors of the report



Putin presented the State Duma with an agreement on the Russian navy in Sudan

Photo: Alexander Astafiev

Agreement between the Russian Federation and Sudan on the establishment point of material and technical support of the Russian Navy was submitted by President Vladimir Putin for ratification to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The bill was published in the database of documents of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

It is planned to build a logistics center for the Russian Navy on the Red Sea coast in Sudan. In 2020, the maximum number of employees at the maritime point was set – 300 people. At the same time, no more than four Russian ships will be able to stay in the PMTO.

As a result of the political upheaval in Sudan itself, Sudanese party representatives have expressed differing views on the construction of the Russian Navy's PMTO. For example, Chief of Staff of the Sudanese Armed Forces Mohammed Usman al-Hussein announced his intentions to revise the agreement because it was adopted by the previous government.


The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the creation of a support point for the Russian Navy in Sudan
