The hero of the Russian Federation explained the need to ban the comparison of the USSR and the Third Reich

“It is a pity that we must resort to such measures to protect historical truth”

A law prohibiting the public identification of the role of the USSR and Nazi Germany in the world The war has come into force. Head of State Vladimir Putin signed the law on July 1. Changes were made to the decree “On preserving the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” The document is available on the Internet portal with legal information.

Sergey Lipovoy. Photo:

Thus, a legal rule was introduced prohibiting the identification of goals, decisions and actions of the USSR leadership, USSR command and military personnel with the goals, decisions and actions of Nazi Germany leadership, Third Reich command and military personnel and European “Axis” countries (Berlin-Rome-Tokyo) in in public speeches or in public works, as well as in the media and on the Internet.

Why such a law became necessary, said the “MK” chairman of the presidium of the All-Russian organization “Officers of Russia”, the hero of the Russian Federation, Major General Sergei Lipovoy:

– It is, of course, a great pity that in order to preserve the memory of the descendants of the Soviet people's unprecedented act, we must resort to such measures. But in the light of the latest events in the world, in the light of how historical facts are distorted, it is our direct responsibility. This is a duty for those who gave their health, youth, life, salvation from fascism not only the Soviet Union, but the whole world. As long as we remember our history, we will not allow these terrible events to recur.

According to Sergei Lipovoy, “the roles of the USSR and Germany in World War II are incompatible.” – Therefore, the law prohibiting all this is relevant. Unfortunately, almost a century has passed since the worst military catastrophe in world history, and not everyone knows the details of the confrontation between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. They do not understand the importance of the victory that our country has won and the terrible price it has paid for it. There are people who criticize the decisions of the Soviet commanders of that time and devalue their contribution to victory, which makes it almost an accident.


MEP Piskarev assessed the new national security strategy


Russia demonstrates a peaceful nature, as evidenced by that he will do everything to protect sovereignty. This is how Vasily Piskarev, chairman of the relevant committee of the State Duma, described the new national security strategy.

In his view, the strategy generally shows a willingness to work with neighbors, but at the same time guarantees that everything necessary will be done to ensure defense. The document was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The corresponding decree was published last Saturday.

The MP believes that the strategy contains clear and precise guidelines for authorities at all levels – what exactly should everyone do to ensure the security of the country. And also to improve the quality of life and security of Russians.


Azerbaijan handed over to Yerevan 15 Armenians sentenced to imprisonment


Armenia handed over a map of the Azerbaijan mine to Fizuli and Zangilan. This was done through Russia's mediation. In response, Baku handed over 15 Armenian citizens sentenced to prison by Yerevan, “ whose sentences have expired.“

According to the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Baku handed over maps to about 92,000 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. They also expressed their gratitude to Rustam Muradov, who commands the Russian peacekeeping contingent temporarily stationed in Azerbaijan.

Baku claims that obtaining mining maps “ will save the lives of tens of thousands“; Azerbaijanis, including engineers. It will also speed up the implementation of construction and reconstruction projects in the “ liberated areas', as well as the process of returning internally displaced persons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke earlier on Direct Line, stressing that neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan are interested in Karabakh. He also recalled that Russia had played a role in addressing the recent crisis in the region.


Pussy participant Riot Nikulshina is sent to a special detention center for 15 days


Pussy Riot participant Veronika Nikulshina again placed in a special detention center for 15 days. The next day, she served an administrative arrest for the same period and was detained again the day before.

According to Open Media, Nikulshina and her friend, artist Roman Durov, were detained in a house near Moscow where the activist left for fear of further arrest … The “OM” report, referring to lawyer Mansur Gilmanov, says that “plainclothes police broke into the station and slammed the gate door,” and that when Nikulshina and her boyfriend agreed to go to the station, “the police used physical force and took their phones. ”


Ukraine is responding to Lukashenko's allegations of arms smuggling

Photo: Website of the President of Belarus

State Border Guard the Ukrainian service announced that the number of weapons seized on Ukraine's border with Belarus had decreased in six months. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko's statements on arms smuggling from Ukraine are therefore unfounded.

According to statistics, Ukrainian border guards seized 27 weapons in the six months on the border with Belarus, not a single firearm. At the same time, in the same period of 2020, another six weapons were seized at the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.

In addition, the website recalled that the Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine and the State Border Committee of Belarus are exchanging “impersonal statistical information on operational and service results”. According to data provided by the Belarussian side, in the first five months of 2021, they detained only four weapons and 10 ammunition on the border with Ukraine for entry and exit.

In general, during the preparation of joint reports on the results of last year, the Belarusian border guards recorded a 6.9-fold decrease in the number of detected weapons on the border with Ukraine during the period under review.

Belarus's State Border Committee has previously announced an increase in the number of border patrols at the state border with Ukraine. According to Anton Bychkovsky, the department's official, border guards are serving “in an expanded version.” He said that illegal shipments of weapons came from the territory of a neighboring state.


Zakharova described the US and Japanese military exercises as a threat to Russia's security

Photo: Natalia Muschinkina

Japan-US Military Exercise “Eastern Shield “”, Which will take place from June 24 to July 11, poses a threat to Russia's security. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “We are considering episodes of exercises on the island of Hokkaido, which is located close to the borders of the Russian Federation, despite the prism of ensuring the security of our borders in the Far East,” Zakharova said in a statement. comments on the exercise.

According to Zakhar, “Tokyo, through concrete actions and through the Minister of Defense, indicates what its military efforts are really focused on.”

“Tokyo continues to move away from a constructive dialogue with Russia on our legitimate security concerns and from discussing ways to build confidence in action in this area. We will closely follow this direction of the Japanese authorities and, if necessary, take appropriate response measures, “concluded Maria Zakharova.

As you know, Russia and Japan have not yet signed a peace treaty since World War II. Tokyo combines the signing of a peace treaty with a solution to the issue of ownership of the southern islands on the Kuril ridge. Russia, in turn, draws attention to the fact that Japan is dependent on the United States for military affairs and does not take into account the interests of Russian security in this regard. The largest U.S. military bases and missile defense facilities are located in Japan. It has been announced that the US plans to deploy medium- and short-range missiles in Japan after withdrawing from the INF agreement.


Ukraine has decided to shoot Russian ships in the Kerch Strait


Ukraine intends to open fire on Russian ships threatening the passage of Ukrainian ships across the Kerch Strait. We are talking in particular about the Rosguard.

According to the Defense Express, the Ukrainian side can shoot from the sea and from the air. Ukraine is likely to use Project 58150 Gyurza armored boats, Bayraktar TB2 drones and Mi-14 helicopters.

On June 23, the British Navy destroyer D36 Defender violated the Russian naval border off the coast of Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the incident a complex provocation in which the United States was involved in addition to Great Britain. He noted that if the intruder was sunk, it was unlikely that World War III would begin.

On June 24, the Dutch frigate F805 Evertsen almost provoked the Crimean bridge to which it was heading. Russian Air Force planes forced him to change direction.


Putin approved Russia's national security strategy


Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the country's national security strategy. The Decree shall enter into force on the day of its signing. The previous version of the strategy was approved by Putin's decree of 31 December 2015.

In particular, the document states that Russia has demonstrated its resilience to the world and its ability to withstand the pressure of sanctions. . Work is continuing to reduce dependence on imports in key sectors of the economy. And the level of food and energy security has also increased.

The strategy also says that the development of NATO's ability to use nuclear weapons increases military threats against Russia. Meanwhile, destructive forces in the Russian Federation and abroad are trying to use objective difficulties to disrupt the situation in Russia.

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation is a basic document of strategic planning. It defines Russia's national interests and strategic national priorities, as well as goals, objectives and measures in the field of domestic and foreign policy. The aim of these measures is to strengthen national security and ensure the country's sustainable development in the long term.


In Ukraine, the cost of the “destroyer” of the Crimean bridge was named


Costs for the development of the Ukrainian coastal missile complex ZhK-360MTS “Neptune”, which in Kiev is called “the destroyer of the Crimean bridge” is estimated at $ 40 million. According to the Defense Express, the amount was named by the head of the design office “Luch” Oleg Korostelev.

According to the designer, the costs include the development of communications and weapons. He estimated the same amount for the creation of the Ukrainian medium-range air defense system.

Last year, Korostelev said that Neptune was created in less than three years, despite cuts in funding and the use of predominantly domestic components.

The complex uses an R-360 missile with a launch distance of 280 km and a speed of 900 km/h. One volley of missiles of the complex consists of 24 launches. ships with a displacement of up to 5 thousand tons.

The development was carried out by the company “Luch” on the basis of the vetskaya missile X-35, which was created by the companies of the Ukrainian SSR. It differs from the Soviet prototype “Neptune” by a new control system and a longer shooting range. It is stated that the complex can be used from aircraft and ground launchers.

According to available information, work on creating a new missile has been underway since 2014, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine of Neptune were adopted in 2020.


Yeltsin's partner talked about Putin's presidential formation

Russia's first president calls current head of state a possible successor

Russia's first president Boris Yeltsin has not transferred power to current head of state Vladimir Putin. During his televised address to the citizens, the politician named the current Russian leader as a possible successor. Former Yeltsin's adviser Georgy Satarov spoke about this.

Georgy Satarov Photo: Kirill Iskoldsky < Recall that during the "straight line" Vladimir Putin said that the first Russian president did not transfer much to him. The Russian leader stressed that he had obtained it in accordance with the constitution - the final decision was made by the citizens.

According to Satarov, Yeltsin's announcement meant that the executive branch, including the presidential administration and the government, would work for Putin. At the same time, there was very strong electoral competition.

“It was a normal election campaign,” said Satarov, quoted by URA.RU.

Yeltsin's former adviser also added that the incumbent Russian president had given Putin some advantage under the constitution. It cannot be said that he was an “ordinary” participant in the elections.

Read also: Russians have been notified of service tariffs since July 1.
