Sina: Putin's words about World War “shocked” Western military society

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Western military society was shocked by words from Russian president Vladimir Putin about a possible strike on NATO ships in the Black Sea, reports the Chinese daily Sina. Recall that the Russian leader said this during a “straight line” on June 30, when he commented on the incident with the British destroyer Defender.

“Even if we sank this ship, the world would not be on the brink of world war,” Putin remarked at the time. He added that those who devised the provocation were well aware that they could not win an open war.

This phrase has received a wide resonance in the West, the article states. “Putin's unexpected phrase shocked the Western military community,” the article said. According to Chinese analysts, Putin has made it clear that he intends to defend Russia's interests. The United States and its allies did not expect such sincerity from the Russian president.

Recall that former NATO representative in the Russian Federation Harry Tabakh previously told the Ukrainian media that the defender was followed by an American warship. The Black Sea, but after a provocation attacked by a British destroyer, reversed direction.


Peskov spoke about the “doomsday” scenario, when the incident with the destroyer is repeated

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Russian President Press Secretary in Interview with Vladimir Solovyov told Rossiya television details of the incident with the British destroyer Defender in the Black Sea and explained what Russia's actions would be if such provocation were repeated.

“The nature of the provocation-like operations with the British destroyer Defender in the Black Sea is planned for” senior comrades overseas, “said the head of the presidential press service.

According to him, Russian intelligence knows who decided when organizing this provocation.

Peskov also said that these were deliberate actions to explore weaknesses in response and border surveillance systems.

A Kremlin spokesman recalled that a US Black Sea reconnaissance aircraft had been found over the United States at the time of the incident, only receiving information that P F considered it necessary to “provide”.

In addition, Dmitry Peskov answered the question of what would happen if another NATO ship broke the border off the coast of Crimea: “I am not in favor of discussing such doomsday scenarios, but the reaction will, of course, be harsh. “

Putin named the number of US reconnaissance aircraft that helped the British destroyer

Watch a video on the subject


The military spoke of the retreat of an American ship during a provocation in the Black Sea

Photo: Still from the video

During the provocation of the British destroyer Defender 23. In June, an American ship was nearby, which retreated as soon as Russia responded to the disruption of Russia's maritime borders by the British, said in an interview with the “apostrophe” the rank of Captain 1 of the US Navy NATO Representative in the Russian Federation Harry Tabakh.

He stressed that the Dutch ship did not turn off the course after the British destroyer, but the American ship turned around and left for fear of getting into an unpleasant story. “I don't believe it's an accident.” I don't believe that the captain of the American ship was afraid, it can't be, it was an order to leave, “Tabakh remarked.

The military recalled that something similar had happened before the summit with the participation of Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin – then it was left by two American ships that entered the Black Sea. It should be noted that the Tabakh regularly criticizes the Biden administration for its “too soft” policy towards Russia.

Recall that after the Defender entered Russian territorial waters, a warning fire was launched on the destroyer and then on the Su -24 dropped several nearby high-explosive bombs – only then the British ship retreated.


“Broken and half”: Satanovsky predicted the fate of Iran in Ukraine

Photo: Social Networks

Political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky said in his Telegram statement by General Director of GKKB “ Luch“ Oleg Korostelev that the development of the missile system Neptune ZhK-360MTs, which many experts previously called weapons to destroy the Crimean bridge, will cost Nezalezhnaya $ 40 million. Satanovsky is confused, and it is not even a matter of the rocket being built on the basis of outdated development, and it will be easy to shoot down.

The political scientist does not understand how Ukraine generally intends to build political relations after such statements. Ukraine is constantly blackmailing Russia, but that's not the only way to get out of it. “ It's easier to break them and break all these sophisticated combinations in advance and half, & # 39; & # 39; & ndash; noted the expert.

Satanovsky mentioned Israel's experience in preventing Iran from acquiring the most dangerous weapon. As a result, something is constantly happening with Iran's nuclear facilities and the IDF is destroying the missile bridgehead in Syria and Lebanon. “ Well, it will be the same with Ukraine. One thing is not clear, who presents to his superiors the bad ideas that they constantly express? & # 39; & # 39; & ndash; Satanovsky asks.

The political scientist suggested that the Americans are behind the Ukrainian provocations that are pushing Ukrainians forward, but they themselves do not intend to start a world war. And because of Ukraine, they definitely do not intend to do so, Satanovsky added.


The State Duma reacted to the comparison of the Russian army with “Zaporozhets”

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Representative of the State Duma of the Crimea Mikhail Sheremet replied to former US soldier Harry Tabach, who said in an interview with the Ukrainian media that a comparison of Russia's military forces with NATO & ndash; it's like comparing & nbsp; & quot; Zaporozhets & quot; and Tesla.

“The US military is obviously illiterate,” “ndash; Sheremet noticed this and remembered that the car was “ Zaporozhets & # 39; & # 39; is a success of the Ukrainian automotive industry and Russia is known for “ KamAZ“ and Aurus machines.

He also called the Russian Armed Forces a fusion of advanced technology, spirit and professionalism. He also noted that NATO & ndash; it is a “ bombastic and exclusively service for money.“

In addition, Sheremet believes that if NATO bears exclusive aggression, then the Russian military is involved in defending its territories and maintaining peace.


Azerbaijan returned 15 prisoners to Armenia


On Saturday, July 3, Azerbaijan handed over 15 Armenian soldiers to Armenia, who were part of the sabotage group, said the correspondent “MK” from Azerbaijan. Armenian troops were detained in November to December last year. In exchange, the Armenian side handed over mining maps for the Fizuli-Zangelan section. 92,000 mines were installed in this area. Azerbaijani, Turkish and Russian experts are involved in demining.

Earlier, on June 12, a previous exchange of captured Armenian soldiers for mine maps took place.


Following Putin's statements, Crimea has unprecedented NATO activity

The Black Sea is monitored by 4 air spies at once

The planes of several NATO member countries are conducting reconnaissance in the Black Sea. Aviation flies around the Russian coastal zone and pays special attention to Russia's maritime borders in Crimea. The spy flights of the US Air Force and its allies are taking place against the backdrop of NATO's largest Black Sea exercise in history, as well as following President Putin's words about the British province's provocative actions. Observers do not rule out another armed provocation by NATO.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed details of a recent incident by a British Navy destroyer defender. It turns out that the British ship acted in conjunction with a reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force and acted as a “bait”. While the ship was conducting provocative actions in the Russian coastal zone, the scout watched the actions of Russian troops in the Crimea.

Judging by NATO's action on Russia's borders, further provocation may occur in the near future. According to airspace monitoring services, four reconnaissance aircraft appeared over the Black Sea on Thursday: two from the US Air Force, one from the British Air Force and one from Turkey.

The USN Boeing P-8A counter-submarine flew to the Black Sea from the US air base “Sigonella” (island of Sicily) on Thursday morning. For several hours circling in the immediate vicinity of the east coast of Crimea and apparently looking for Russian submarines in the area.

At the same time, another American reconnaissance aircraft is flying along the Crimean sea borders along its entire length. Bombardier Challenger 650 “Artemis” took off from the Romanian city of Constanta and made four laps across the Black Sea. The aircraft of this model were adopted by the US Air Force relatively recently and it is still unknown what tasks they perform. However, as observers of the airspace note, these aircraft often fly to Russia's borders in the Baltic States and the Black Sea.

The United States Air Force is supported by British Air Force aircraft with Early Warning Radar (AWAC). The Boeing E-3 Sentry with the call sign “NATO33” cruises along the Bulgarian coast and collects data on all aircraft in the sky over the Black Sea region.

Simultaneously with the British Boeing E -7T aircraft, the Turkish Air Force is conducting a reconnaissance flight … The aircraft of early warning and guidance took off from the base of the Turkish Air Force in Konya and has been in Romanian airspace for several hours.

According to the authors of the blog ItaMilRadar, the activities of aviation are associated with extensive exercises of the US Navy and its allies – Sea Breeze-21, which take place in the Black Sea. The day before, the Italian navy frigate ITS Virginio Fasan and the Turkish warship TCG Barbaros had passed through the Bosphorus. In the near future, it will join the NATO squadron, which already includes warships from the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Ukraine and other NATO countries and alliance partners.

The exercises are dedicated to training various naval operations, including landing, diving, intercepting imaginary enemy ships, repelling enemy air raids, coalition special operations, as well as finding and destroying enemy submarines.

The forces and resources of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are involved in monitoring the exercises. NATO Command, in turn, evaluates the actions of Russian forces and, if necessary, prepares new provocations.

A video from the plane accompanying a Dutch frigate in the Black Sea has been published Watch the video by topic


Biden was taken aback by the question of “Russian hackers” in the store

US President Joe Biden was asked during a conversation with a retailer about involvement of the Russian Federation in cyber attacks on American companies. The video was posted on YouTube.

In the United States, more than 200 companies have previously been the victim of a cyber attack with a ransomware virus after an IT company was attacked.

According to Biden, the director of the intelligence community, he will give him more accurate answers to what happened, so he will “know better tomorrow.”

“We're not sure who did it. . And I sent a request to the government that it would be necessary to provide an answer if we found out who it was, “said the US president in the store.

He noted that the United States would respond to Moscow's involvement in hacking attacks if proven. Biden also said he was unsure of the “Russian footprint” that all American media talk about.


The FBI is launching an investigation into a cyber attack on IT company Kaseya


The US FBI has launched an investigation into a cyber attack case to the international company Kaseya. Someone launched a ransomware virus at a software manufacturer. The FBI is now trying to minimize the impact of the attack. Potential victims are educated.

On Friday, Bloomberg spread information that Kaseya had been subjected to a cyber attack. Journalists accused REvil hackers of the incident. The agency also suggested that criminals could be linked to Russia.

This version was denied by US President Joe Biden. He told reporters that, according to the original data, the Russian authorities were not involved in the attack. But who has done it and for what purpose remains to be seen.


Peskov announced the Kremlin's wish to accept Lukashenko in the Crimea

Photo: Belarusian President's website

Russia awaits on the visit of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to the Crimea. This was stated in the broadcast of the TV channel Rusko 1 by the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov.

“Are we waiting for the President of Belarus in Crimea? Of course, we are waiting, “he said.

Lukashenko used to visit Sochi. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who received him, called on the guest to swim in the Black Sea. Later, a photograph of Lukashenko bathing in the Black Sea appeared on the pro-government channels of the Belarusian Telegram.

During a meeting between the two presidents, the parties agreed that Moscow would provide Minsk with another $ 500 million loan.
