The Attorney General of Belarus demanded that Russia release the singer Agurbash

Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya

The Prosecutor General of Belarus circulated the news that she had sent Russia's request to extradite singer Angelika Agurbash to prosecution.

Earlier, a Belarusian singer living in Russia informed on her Instagram that criminal proceedings had been instituted against her in her homeland. under the articles “Incitement to social hatred and hatred committed by a group of persons or having serious consequences” and “Public insult to the President”. The artist was included in the wanted list.

If found to be guilty by Agurbash, she faces up to 12 years in prison under Belarusian law.

The fact is that last summer Angelica Agurbash supported the Belarusian protests and the candidate for President of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovska. At the same time, the singer took part in solidarity events with protesters in Belarus in Moscow. She also called on the Belarusians and called on them to unite.


A political scientist evaluated the consequences of the withdrawal of the US army from the Bagram base in Afghanistan

“Pakistan fails to plant puppet government in Kabul”

Recent US and NATO troops have left Bagram's largest military base in Afghanistan. It was from her that key operations against the radical Taliban movement and the IS (terrorist organizations banned in Russia) were carried out for two decades. The expert evaluated the prospects for further development of the situation in Afghanistan.

Photo: AP

“ The transfer of Bagram means that Americans are leaving real, without any conspiracy motives, that they will still leave something somewhere or keep it to themselves, & ndash; comments on MK Director of the Analytical Center of the Russian Society of Political Scientists Andrey Serenko … & ndash; No, this time the United States is definitely leaving and will not actually be present in Afghanistan, including Bagram. In general, this base has been at the heart of the entire US and NATO security system in the Islamic Republic. However, Western contingents were located in various provinces.

I think that by July 4, US Independence Day (and not September 11, as previously announced), President Joe Biden will also be reporting on troop withdrawals. In the next few days, the announced American repairmen will not remain in the republic. The CIA residences, separate special forces groups and the embassy's security service are likely to still operate there. But the US military contingent that has been in Afghanistan, to which everyone has become accustomed for 20 years, will not stay. '

According to the expert, the situation in Afghanistan has already changed. Therefore, there is no need to talk about any further changes. The US military presence in Afghanistan over the past year has been highly conditional.

“The Americans, as well as NATO representatives, have been involved in training Afghan security forces, intelligence services, using some separate special forces groups to deal with delicate tasks, but have not participated in hostilities with the Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) for a long time. , & ndash; the political scientist continues. & ndash; Therefore, all key changes have already taken place.

The Afghan military is doing quite well today in terms of detaining the Taliban. The fact that they were able to capture several dozen regions did not seriously change the strategic image of the republic, because large cities are still controlled by government forces. I think the Taliban and their Pakistani operators are a little disappointed with the outcome of the June operations. Apparently, they expected more and hoped that the withdrawal of the Americans and NATO from Afghanistan would have a strong demoralizing effect on local security forces and they would begin to give up. There was, of course, some nervousness as I left, but I saw no signs of overwhelming demoralization. Yes, individual groups of Afghan troops surrendered, but this was only due to the fact that they found themselves in a really difficult situation during the June Taliban offensive. “

Now Afghanistan's entire security system is undergoing a transformation, the expert said … A militia of armed people is emerging with the military, special forces and the air force. We are already talking about thousands of people.

“ In Balkh alone, 5,000 militias have taken up arms to resist the Taliban and help the Afghan army, & ndash; noted Andrey Serenko. & ndash; The main result of the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan is, in general, that not only local security forces are being reformatted, which are now gradually adapting to new challenges, but also the nature of the Afghan conflict. The international counter-terrorism operation is becoming a patriotic war between the people and army of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan against Pakistan's aggression. This is how Taliban attacks should be perceived. The Taliban have no political subjectivity of their own, no matter what its advocates say. The leaders of this radical movement are completely controlled by Pakistan's intelligence services and the military. Their energy infrastructure, families and businesses are located in Pakistan.

There will be no downfall of the Afghan government or army, no matter what many experts suddenly find on television. The local army is quite calm and confident. Of course, there are a lot of problems, but they were before. There are difficulties in establishing communication between different departments. But all this is decided against the background of practical combat activities. Many of the things Americans used to do now fall under the responsibility of the Afghans themselves. They learn, sometimes it's hard because it's still a new level of work. The main thing & ndash; the fact that the army is adapting to the situation despite the difficulties and losses. And I am sure that Pakistan will not be able to overthrow the current government of Afghanistan and plant a puppet government controlled by Islamabad in Kabul. “

Recall that the official withdrawal of US and NATO troops from Afghan territory began on May 1. Earlier, White House chief Joe Biden said the US military would leave Afghanistan altogether in early September. The president stressed that military personnel from other states could not form or support local government.


Russia became a telephone in a rented apartment: Putin became an emergency service

Living without “passed, huh?” It won't work anymore

“So, (Russian indefinite article) passed, right?” The phrase sounded off-screen in a video commentary by the Lesosibir prosecutor's office about measures taken after a local complained to Putin on a flooded road. And it would be funny, but unfortunately, this is all a Russian phrase that sounds now, in direct line with the president, from all corners of the vast homeland.


In this video, after commenting (and there was no need to force the editor to jump out of his pants, just to report faster), a man in a blue uniform with three stars on his shoulder straps reports that the Krasnoyarsk Prosecutor's Office organized a check on information about possible construction violations. road to the village of Borovoe and “shall take a comprehensive set of measures by the public prosecutor if there are grounds”. The “foundation” – muddy water instead of a road – was a step away from the prosecutor in the video. The video was shot at a bank. Here it is, base, howling underfoot. However, the prosecutor's office must check his presence. How? How else? Swim? Let the ships go? Are you trying to catch fish? And most importantly – and without “overcoming” it was not possible to adopt a “comprehensive set of measures of the public prosecutor's reaction”? After all, this is the prosecutor's office. But. “Service would keep him from thinking about the importance of Russian intelligence to which social class he considered himself.” So Lokhankin's long thoughts shrank to a pleasant and close topic: “Vasisualy Lokhankin and his significance,” “Lokhankin and the tragedy of Russian liberalism,” and “Lokhankin and his role in the Russian Revolution.” Are there people when the Public Prosecutor's Office began to represent the interests of the Russian Federation in international legal structures?

Whose interests do the governors represent? While they were appointed, it was basically clear. It was necessary to overcome the turbulence in power, build a clear system of management and vertical. Well, here we are, lined up. Governors are elected. They were pardoned in the fight against the covid, except that they did not put the stigma “you are independent” on their foreheads. But not. Thinking about raising the salary of regional fire brigades, settling with the federal from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, no, without Putin it does not work. The basic question – to remove the piles of garbage around the village and to reach out to the local garbage collectors who organized the landfill here – is also not solved without “telephoning”. This is a question at the level of the nuclear power plant manager.

Smaller officials are not able to repair the roof in kindergarten. However, he is able to threaten detention, take his grandson, the applicant – so as not to shout: Putin, help!

Tens, hundreds of thousands of problems that should be solved at the level of the village, the district, at most – the governor, go to Putin. Because they don't dare. Why? After all, all these smaller officials, regional prosecutors, local MPs – a huge army – cannot be without exception brainless, crooked and ruthless. They are people like us – with wives, husbands, children, communal accounts and a broken elevator. Some even have kombucha in the kitchen. There is something profound that disturbs the level of perception.

Not so long ago, I bought the paint, I whitewash the ceiling. And the saleswoman asked me: are you for yourself or for a rented apartment?

– What's the difference? – I was surprised.

– Well, the detachable deteriorates – so that there is visibility.

I took the best one, even though I live in a detachable one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city.

But here it is – the approach. He was born 30 years ago when our country was taken away from us. When it appeared – rented apartment Russia. The real owners, who live on the sunny democratic shores, it doesn't matter: the territory brings income, and well. And what about tenants – when everything around is foreign, isn't everything theirs for a long time? There is no point in trying. Here is one visibility and it remains. Well, and Putin as an emergency service.


The Italians withdrew the contingent from Afghanistan

20 years of operation.

During the military operation in this country, 53 Italian soldiers were killed and 723 wounded.

The British “Times” describes in detail how the US military contingent is.

Absolutely everything is removed, there will be nothing left for the Taliban. “The United States fears that something could fall into the hands of the enemy after leaving Afghanistan.” That's why they take with them not only weapons and ammunition, but even scrap metal, “the newspaper reports. Among other things, small fast food restaurants were dismantled and sent to transport planes, popular with the military.


Ugly details about the war in Syria revealed: Turkey uses child soldiers

Sometimes trained as suicide bombers

The US State Department has expanded the list of countries that use armed forces occupied by juvenile fighters in military conflicts. According to the US government, the Turkish military is involved in the training of units of juvenile militants, which use them for hostilities in Syria. Who are the juvenile terrorists fighting and what tasks do they perform on the battlefield & ndash; “MK” recognized.

Photo: AP

The war in Syria, the bloody civil conflict that began in 2011, continues. Despite the fact that, with the active support of Russia, Syrian troops have managed to defeat the main terrorist forces and launch a ceasefire, some militant formations continue to operate. Many of them took refuge in the part of Syria occupied by the Turkish army, mainly in the province of Idlib in the north of the country.

Among the most powerful groups is the so-called division of Sultan Murad, created with the active support of the Turkish army. The group's militants are armed with Turkish weapons, equipment and even armored vehicles. The group took part in battles against the Syrian army, the Syrian Kurdish militia and, according to legend, recruited fighters to take part in the military conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

However, according to the US State Department, the group's crimes are not limited to this. As reported in Washington, gunmen form entire units that serve children trained in guerrilla warfare. At the same time, the Foreign Ministry stressed that Turkey is directly involved in the training of juvenile militants, but still has a chance to “ correct this mistake“.

Previously published material published by the Ministry of Culture on how the system of training juvenile terrorists is organized all over the world. Children are usually taken away from their parents by force, or, on the contrary, radicals themselves send their children to training camps. There, minors are diligently instilled in the ideology of radicals and learn to use weapons, explosives and other skills.

The two largest international terrorist organizations have achieved the greatest success in this regard & ndash; Islamic State and Al Qaeda (both are banned in the Russian Federation). Many militants from these groups have now joined Sultan Murad's division. and other pro-Turkish formations and are actively involved in the preparation of “ young replenishment.“ and the spring of 2018. The militants themselves published a series of videos on “ young fighters against Assad's regime“. Some of the juvenile militants subsequently died, allowing many Western countries to charge the Syrian authorities with the murder of minors.

According to the Syrian media, militants are also actively involved in the training of juvenile suicide bombers. To this end, children are addicted to drugs and various stimulants, which ultimately completely destroys the child's psyche, suppresses the child's resistance and turns him into an executor of orders.

According to the Syrian Truth and Justice Human Rights Group, troops of young militants have taken part in the military conflict in Libya. It should be noted that families who have handed over their children to militants receive cash payments.

Children receive new documents for which their actual age is significantly overestimated. Recruitment and training are carried out by local pro-Turkish groups and dispatch to Libya & ndash; command of the Turkish army.

According to human rights activists, juvenile militants aged 15-16 are promised up to $ 3,000 a month, and in the event of death, this amount must be paid to their families. However, most of them die before receiving the first “payout”. Some eyewitnesses say that young jihadists pay in Turkish lira shops.

According to experts, the Turkish-occupied areas of Syria have turned into the recruitment base of terrorist groups because the local population has no means of subsistence. . For this reason, young people are actively joining the ranks of the militants. The exact number of teenagers hired by terrorists is unknown, but preliminary estimates suggest that thousands of people are fighting around the world today.


The weapons expert spoke about the pitfalls of the law on strengthening control

The task will be facilitated by an electronic database

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law to strengthen state control over the circulation of weapons and rules on medical examinations to obtain permission to own them. Amendments have been made to the laws “On Weapons” and “On the Basics of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation.”

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

According to the changes, a list of medical contraindications has been introduced in which the purchase of weapons is prohibited. The list will be drawn up by the federal government. The law prohibits the purchase and carrying of weapons without a medical examination due to contraindications.

Currently, the medical examination will be performed only in public hospitals and only at the place of registration. It will include screening for drugs and other psychotropic substances and psychiatric evaluation. All results of these surveys will be stored in a single database, which will be accessible to the Russian Guard, which will be able to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

The innovations were commented on by the MC editor of the “ Weapons & # 39; & # 39; magazine “ Hunting and fishing. 21st century & # 39; & # 39; Alexander Kudryashov:

& ndash; The new thing is that only in state institutions will it be possible to undergo a medical examination before purchasing a weapon. There used to be license commissions. Their business probably ended.

The most interesting thing is & ndash; an electronic database is being set up for this purpose. As it turned out, it was not possible to check the medical certificate before. This means that the citizen brought a piece of paper and a licensing and permitting department & ndash; he believed. Strange, but they say it was so. The National Guard now has direct access. But only in the form of yes/no information. Data will not be passed on for medical confidentiality.

All other provisions existed, but were simply expressed in other words.

There are also more interesting innovations. For example, if a person is drunk while driving, the weapon license will also be revoked. And if other studies reveal drugs in the blood, the weapon will be confiscated and the citizen will have two months to retest. If “ clean & # 39; & # 39; & ndash; the weapon will be returned.


Greta Thunberg calls the Gulf of Mexico a “portal to hell”


According to the LAD Bible portal, and a young Swedish Environmental activist Greta Thunberg admitted that she was shocked by an incident in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Yucatan, which occurred over the weekend due to a leak in the pipeline structure.

Social media users called the incident a “fiery eye” because of the round shape of the flame that raged next to an oil rig owned by the Mexican state oil company Pemex.

Climate leaders are discovering new fields and pipelines, new licenses for oil field exploration. This is a world they are leaving for us, “said Greta Thunberg.


Prime Minister of Belarus: the country has learned to live in the conditions of Western sanctions


As the TV channel states “Belarus-1”, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko told reporters that the government of the republic has drawn up a plan for the national economy in the context of Western sanctions.

“The Government of Belarus has a clear plan of work in terms of … sectoral sanctions imposed by the West … Tighter working conditions will force our country to move even faster and to actively enter new markets,” said the Prime Minister.

According to the Prime Minister, the need to draw up a clear action plan has become a kind of `stimulating and motivating factor“.

Regarding the future of a number of already approved joint projects of Belarus with European financial institutions, Golovchenko said that even if they slip, it will not have a negative impact on the economy Mike from Belarus: “ We know how to replace these resources – somewhere with their own, somewhere borrowed funds“


“God forbid we do it”: The British commented on the progress of the bombing by Russian planes

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Article on Russian aviation exercises in the Black area sea. Previously, the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation conducted exercises aimed at developing missile and bomb attacks against false enemy ships. All this happens a few days after the Defender destroyer. The exercise was attended by Su-30SM fighters, Su-24M bombers, Su-34 fighter bombers and Su-27 fighters.

The material emphasizes that these exercises are taking place against the backdrop of NATO's “Sea Breeze” exercise in the Black Sea region. Many readers have noticed that the article shows American hornets F/A-18 instead of Su-27 fighters, which is not to be confused. “Since when did the American F-18 Hornet become the Russian SU-27?” – ask the Anglo-Saxons. Some Britons advised journalists to use Google search to avoid getting into funny situations.

The rest insisted on “rest”, because the exercises take place in all countries and there is nothing unusual about it, this is the most common occurrence. In addition, Britain itself has repeatedly invaded various countries of the world along with the United States and acted as an aggressor. “In just the last 25 years, Britain has unjustifiably invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya,” writes one reader.

The British assure their media that Russia does not really pose any danger. “Everything is extremely clear.” From Britain, there is no threat to Great Britain. “God, let's not let the national leaders, who seem to believe that wars are fun parties. For some reason, he doesn't think about the unbearable suffering of the people at all, “Russia just wants to be left alone. But if you can't wait to pull the bear by the tail, prepare for the consequences, “readers write.


Ukrainians have criticized their ambassador for insulting the country in Britain

Photos: Still from video

Ukrainian social media users criticize their ambassador in Britain Vadim Prystaiko, who did not react in any way to the insult of Ukraine that happened to him. We are talking about the TV show “Good Morning Britain”, in which presenter Kate Guerrouay, led by Prystaiko, picked up the jersey of the Ukrainian national football team and began researching it, noting that the outlines of the country's borders are like a dirty place.

Guerrouay looked at the white outlines of Ukraine on the yellow T-shirt and remarked that it all reminded her of the situation when her son lifts the T-shirt off the floor and says that he is not dirty yet. Prystaiko did not respond to this remark.

Ukrainians hated the ambassador's lack of patriotic feelings. “What could be our minister's reaction to such statements by the owners' deputy?” Only gratitude, consent or, in extreme cases, modest silence, “writes one of the readers. Some stood up as ambassadors and noticed that he was overwhelmed by the “hoarse” behavior of the moderator. “They lowered it under the plinth,” says the agitated Ukrainian woman.
