The lights went out, and raiders appeared: the Americans had left Bagram Air Force Base

The lights on the entire base suddenly went out and the US Air Force C -17A Globemaster III. On the night of July 2, the last US army left Bagram Air Base. As suddenly and without warning Kabul, as they appeared here 20 years ago.

No handover ceremony took place. Raiders immediately appeared at the base, followed by local security forces. During the peak years of the operation against the Taliban, there were up to 100,000 troops at the base.

The Pentagon left over 1,000 vehicles in place, including dozens of armored vehicles.

The best hospital in the country. According to Voenna's telegram, the Observer also remained at the base. According to local officials, expensive medical equipment will work.

Local specialists have reintroduced radar systems and communications to monitor the situation in the air. Currently, the largest military facility in Afghanistan is under the control of government forces that do not have a clear plan to use the base.


A French naval electronic reconnaissance ship entered the Sea of ​​Japan

A photo of a French eastern vessel appeared nearby Russia's borders … Forces and resources of the Eastern Military District control the actions of the electronic reconnaissance vessel of the French Navy Dupuy de Lome (A759) in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan.

The ship was spotted the day before in the Japanese port of Hakodate. The channel Voenniy Obozrevatel Telegram writes about it.

On June 23, 2006, the French Navy commissioned the new reconnaissance vessel Dupuy de Lom, named after the outstanding French shipbuilder Dupuy de Lom. Unlike its two predecessors, this ship is specially designed to accommodate MINREM (Moyen Interarmées Naval de Recherche ElectroMagnétique) equipment. Its task is to capture and analyze all types of signals, including signals received from satellites. In this regard, the French Minister of Defense emphasized: “This vessel will carry out strategic interceptions from satellites, which will allow us to be one step ahead in the fight against terrorism.” The Dupuis-de-Lomme crew has been reduced to 30 people and employs approximately 80 DRM specialists. and/or DGSE. For the first time in the history of the French Navy, this ship was designed and built specifically for electronic reconnaissance in the interest of DRM and became the successor to Bougainville.

The Dupuy de Lomme electronic radio includes two DRBN-38A navigation radars, the “Syracuse” and “Inmarsat” satellite communication system stations, the ARBR-21 radar exposure warning and radar identification station, the radio and radio intelligence stations. complexes. These make it possible to detect, transmit and perform technical analysis of emissions of various radars in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 90 GHz and also to capture, transmit and listen for signals from communication systems (including satellites) in the frequency range from 30 kHz to 100 GHz. The ship's equipment is able to capture the latest types of transmissions, including e-mail messages and conversations on mobile phones.

In April 2014, shortly after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, “Dupuy de Lom” was present in the Black Sea.


Ambassador: in the situation of tourists detained in Cuba, it is important to eliminate mistakes


Russian Ambassador to Cuba Andrey Guskov, commenting The incident, which sent a group of Russian tourists into isolation over positive coronavirus tests, said diplomats were trying to do everything possible to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

The diplomat emphasized that the most important issue was to eliminate or minimize the likelihood of errors in testing tourists for coronavirus infection.

& quot; I hope that all inconsistencies will be removed in the near future … The Embassy of the Russian Federation is working to ensure that testing for positive test results is not & nbsp; – remarked Guskov.


Ryabkov complained about the US's dependence on unnecessary sanctions

photo: Wikipedia

According to the magazine & “International Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed his views on the prospects for further development of a policy of pressure on sanctions against Russia by the United States in an interview with journalists.

According to the diplomat, this process has gained impressive speed and it will be difficult to stop it.

The inertia of this policy surpasses any other segment of American foreign policy. More than 95 sanction cycles in one form or another are already valid in the Russian direction … They cannot simply leave it, nor do they realize its futility, futility and infertility. They will look for reasons when and under what pretext to do something else, “Ryabkov is sure.

At the same time, he noted that the exhaustion and nonsense of this policy is becoming increasingly clear even to the authors of such a “course”;

& nbsp;

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Zakharova named the consequences of sanctions against Belarus for Lithuania

Photo: Natalia Muschinkina

Lithuania itself will suffer economic sanctions against Belarusian state. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, wrote about it in her telegram channel.

According to Zakhar, economic sanctions have turned into big problems in Lithuania. Belarus thus loaded more than 30% of turnover in the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania. The majority of turnover was made up of potash fertilizers, whose business operations are now banned by the Lithuanian authorities.

Zakharova sets out the opinion of Lithuanian experts, who believe that the port of Klaipeda will most likely not find a substitute for Belarusian potassium.

Another victim could be Lithuanian Railways JSC, as Belarus handles 25% of its freight traffic. It will follow through other companies with a domino effect.

A representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sums up that “in Europe, especially in Lithuania, they have begun to play the fight against the” regime “and in political madness they no longer count the victims of” fire on their own.


The infamous British destroyer and Dutch frigate left the Black Sea

The British destroyer D36 Defender and the Dutch frigate F805 Evertsen, which held provocations near the Russian border last week, left the Black Sea on July 2.

Photo: still from video

According to sites monitoring the passage of ships through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, as NATO ships proceeded to the Mediterranean. On June 23, a British Navy destroyer breached Russia's naval border off the coast of Crimea. During the “straight line”, President Putin called the incident a complex provocation involving the United States in addition to the United Kingdom. He noted that if the intruder was sunk, it was unlikely that World War III would begin.

On 24. June, a Dutch frigate almost provoked the Crimean bridge, to which was the title. Russian Air Force planes forced him to change direction.


The British were allowed to wear masks from July 19

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

British citizens from 19 July 2021 will Be able to decide whether to wear masks in public or not. This was stated by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

It is planned to remove all other restrictions imposed in the country in connection with the coronavirus pandemic by 19 July. Currently in England, all public events on the premises are prohibited, nightclubs are closed, the principle of maintaining social distance and wearing masks inside is maintained.

In addition, the country has recommendations from the authorities on teleworking preferences from home, where the position and profession of the employee allow.

Universal vaccination of all adults in the country is also planned in the UK. The authorities plan to complete the vaccination by mid-September 2021.


Due to the situation in Afghanistan, Putin reaffirmed his readiness to provide support to Tajikistan

Photo: Still from the video

Russian President Vladimir took place on Monday Putin talks to Tajik President Emomali Rahmon.

According to the Kremlin's press service, the parties discussed the difficult situation on the Tajik-Afghan border, which is now 70% controlled by the Taliban and is continuing to move forward.

Putin and Rahmon noted that there was an escalation of armed confrontation in Afghanistan, including the border zone.

The Russian leader has confirmed that Russia is ready to provide the necessary support to Tajikistan in view of the escalation in Afghanistan & nbsp; as in the bilateral plan and within the CSTO.


Zelensky calls Nord Stream 2 a “threat” to Ukraine and Europe


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky described the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline under construction as a threat to the security of Ukraine and Europe. He made such a statement at the forum Ukraine 30. His speech was broadcast on several Ukrainian television channels.

“This is a direct safety trap for everyone. It is necessary to continue to hinder the implementation of this project. The whole of Europe must unite to face this energy threat, “said the president. Zelensky had previously said that the completion of Nord Stream 2 would allow Russia to halt gas supplies through Ukraine, forcing it to engage in dialogue with the DPR and LPR.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal has again announced that he will insist on stopping construction. According to him, the pipeline is an economic weapon against Ukraine, Europe and the United States. He also announced that he was ready to file a lawsuit against the Stockholm Arbitration against Russia if it refused to transport gas through Ukrainian territory. The amount of the claim will be $ 7.2 billion.
