NYT: The US has come into conflict with two countries at the same time

Photo: Global Look Press

United States Administration America has deprived China of the right to buy the latest semiconductor technology from Western countries, which is full of disastrous consequences.

According to the representative American newspaper The New York Times (NYT), new export rules have been adopted by Washington to prevent China from importing semiconductors are advanced information technology.

The author of the material writes that the United States has in fact declared a technological war on the People's Republic of China, causing tensions with China and Russia. According to the journalist, this behavior is somewhat strange for America, because the political situation in the world is unpredictable.

In terms of technology, China definitely lags behind the United States, but intends to increase the pace of scientific development, The New York Times points out, on the first place – because of cheap labor. “Whoever makes the best chips will be able to crack the most complex passwords and will be able to produce high-precision weapons that are unparalleled,” concludes the journalist.

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