Nazarbayev's “missing” daughter infected with coronavirus


The eldest daughter of the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultana Nazarbayeva Dariga has contracted the coronavirus, informs the portal, referring to her assistant.

“ The flow of covid is average, & # 39; & # 39; Zhanna Ermek specified, adding that Dariga is at home in Almaty.

It was previously announced that Dariga Nazarbayeva had not attended a meeting of the Mazhili (lower house of parliament) as a member of this legislature. According to RIA Novosti, referring to the chamber's press service is on sick leave, but for what reason, the Majili did not specify.

Recall that during the mass protests and riots in Kazakhstan, some publications claimed that the nation's leader Nursultan Nazarbayev and his family had left the country. On January 6, Kyrgyz media reported that two planes belonging to the Nazarbayev family had arrived at Bishkek Airport.


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