“NATO ships are waiting to die”: The Chinese have warned the West against war with the Russian Federation

Readers of the Chinese portal “Guancha” warned Western countries against the escalation of the situation in the Black Sea, against hostile actions with Russia.

Photo: Dreamstime.com

The publication published material on the rise of tensions in the region after the incident with the British destroyer Defender off the coast of Crimea after the increase in the number of troops on NATO Black Sea ships in connection with the See Breeze maneuvers.

The events in the Black Sea sparked a heated discussion among the readers of the portal, one of the commentators noted that he wanted to know “whether these three ships will last at least half an hour in a real battle. Another remarked that it was necessary to “count it better in a few minutes.”

“It will not last a minute against one Russian ship,” another commentator calculated.

Death is waiting for Russia's door “, – added another user.

One of the readers expressed the opinion that it does not even need ships at Russia's door itself,” the Coast Guard missile is enough. ”

“NATO is really playing with fire! NATO is just an American toy. Keep playing and you will be destroyed,” said one of the readers.

Another user used a metaphor: “a pack of dogs barked at a bear, bared its teeth and dogs, the tail between their legs fled under the wing of the patron. “In addition, the Chinese people advised Russia to take the opportunity to” sink half of NATO's fleet “because” the opportunity is rare, but the right moment is right. “

” What Putin did to Sleeping Joe during a meeting behind closed doors in Geneva? This forced NATO to make such a desperate effort to at least insult Russia! “One of the users asked.

Recall that on June 28, the Sea Breeze exercise in the northwestern part of the Black Sea began, which will involve 5,000 troops, 40 aircraft, 32 ships from 32 countries, including the United States and Ukraine.

Источник www.mk.ru

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